30th December 2012
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.
Flowers in Church.
The observant among you will have noticed that for FIVE of the last seven Sundays the flowers in church have been provided either by the “Committee” or by the anonymous “To Be Filled”. If you like having flowers in church, and if you would like to give Mavis and Anne a “Happy New Year”, you could let them know the weeks on which you are willing to provide the flowers. Please talk to Mavis !!
If we are to continue to have Coffee after the third Sunday Morning Service then more coffee makers are needed –
please put your names on the “Rota”.
23rd December 2012
In this season for giving you have already taken the opportunity to support some worthy charities. You have one more chance to give to Prostate Cancer UK at the Christmas Day Service and so help with their ongoing help and support to all the men who are coping with this cancer, including some known to us here in our church family. If you used the Card Board in the Hall please try to give a donation to Julia for “Action for Children”.
Thank you to all who supported the Christmas Fair in any way.
Due to your generosity £791.00 was raised for Church funds.
Anne. (Treasurer).
On this subject you should collect your Raffle Prizes from the Office/Vestry if you are holding tickets : Yellow 301 & Pink 470. You may, or may not, have won the Ferrari Sports Car.
16th December 2012
Food and Fun.
Sue and Neil wish to thank everyone who supported the Christmas Lunch on the 6th and everyone who helped.
A profit of £272 was made.
Anne, our Treasurer, would like to thank people for the donations of £70.00 received after the lunch; and those who attended the Lunch, would like to thank the person who donated the gifts of money.
It was most kind of you –
– Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Give a donation instead of a card – Action for Children.
There is a notice board in the Hall dedicated to ACTION FOR CHILDREN. Attach a Christmas card or write a greeting for friends at the Church and put a donation in an envelope and give it to Julia Allton. All those who have taken part before Monday the 17th will be entered on a special sheet in the Church Newsletter on Sunday 23rd December.
Christmas Carol Service – Parkinson’s UK
There will be an offertory during the service in aid of Parkinson’s UK research into ‘Can a diabetes drug also help people with Parkinson’s’.
A leaflet will be available for you to read.
Christmas Day Service – Prostate Cancer UK
The offertory at this service will be sent to Prostate Cancer UK to help with their ongoing help and support to all the men who are coping with this cancer.
9th December 2012
Christmas Cards.
It was suggested that we might like to have a board in the Hall on which individual church members could “post” a card addressed to their friends in the congregation. All the comments that we have received have been positive so, with thanks to Jenny and Tom, a Christmas Card Board is now up and ready to receive your cards.
More Sunday Morning coffee makers are needed – please put your names on the “Rota”.
Coffee will NOT be served after the morning service on the 16th as it will be served after the Evening Carol Service.
2nd December 2012
Sincere “Thanks” to all who helped with the Clean Up yesterday
Lay Pastors.
The Circuit is seeking to commission 5 Lay pastors to work alongside the Ministry Team in offering pastoral support. The closing date for applications is tomorrow, Monday 3rd December. If you are interested details can be seen at the back of the room or by applying to Rev Cecil on 01507 450968 or Rev Nigel on 01754 612415.
Christmas Cards.
It has been suggested that we might like to have a board in the Hall on which individual church members could “post” a card addressed to all their friends in the congregation. Let Jenny, or a Steward, know what you think !
Thinks –
If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed and dry cleaners depressed ?
25th November 2012
Lay Pastors.
The Circuit is seeking to commission 5 Lay pastors to work alongside the Ministry Team in offering pastoral support. The closing date for applications is Monday 3rd December. If you are interested details can be seen at the back of the room or by applying to Rev Cecil on 01507 450968 or Rev Nigel on 01754 612415.
December 14th: 10.00am–3.00pm Algitha Road Christmas Fair.
With Coffee, Mince Pies, Light Lunches and at 10.45 a short “Coffee” Carol Service. Before then gifts will be needed for the Tombola Stall, Bric-a-Brac Stall and Raffle.
Christmas Cards.
It has been suggested that we might like to have a board in the Hall on which individual church members could “post” a card addressed to all their friends in the congregation. Let Jenny, or a Steward, know what you think !
18th November 2012
Algitha Road Christmas Fair.
On December the 14th there is to be a Christmas Fair which will run from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
There will be Coffee, Mince Pies, Light Lunches and At 10.45 an optional short “Coffee” Carol Service.
Before then gifts will be needed for the Tombola Stall, Bric-a-Brac Stall and Raffle.
Christmas Cards.
It has been suggested that with the rising costs of Cards and Postage we might like to have a board in the Hall/Prentice room/Church on which individual church members could “post” one card addressed to all their friends in the congregation, or if that sounds too impersonal the card could be addressed to a named group of friends in the church. Let Jenny, or a Steward, know what you think !
11th November 2012
Church Council Meeting.
At the Meeting on October the 30th it was decided to make a start on remodelling the Church building so that it will be able to satisfy our Christian Mission in Skegness while being financially viable. The first steps are to provide a suspended ceiling, remove the pews and modernize the heating. The plan is then to divide the space thus created into a “Worship Area” and a, smaller, “Rentable Room” for the use of the “Best Training” organization. Satisfying their needs is important as it is their rent money that is keeping the church solvent.
The Algitha Road Coffee Morning on November 16th is for Val’s Charity and Chris South asks for gifts for her Tombola Stall which is getting rather empty. On December the 14th there is to be a Christmas Fair when gifts will again be needed for the Tombola Stall but also for a Bric-a-Brac Stall and for the Raffle.
4th November 2012
Please note that next Sunday’s Remembrance Day service starts at 10.00am. It will start with Holy Communion then (at 10.45+/-) people will be able to go with Rev Nigel to the War Memorial Service or to stay here for the conclusion of our service led by WLs.
The Algitha Road Coffee Morning on November 16th is for Val’s Charity and Chris South asks for gifts for her Tombola Stall which is getting rather empty and she would like it to be full for that day.
28th October 2012
Volunteers Needed.
With “Remembrance Day” approaching volunteers are needed to sell Royal British Legion Poppies. We are asked if we can provide collectors to work in Lidl’s and Iceland’s shops for roughly three hour shifts in the week 3rd to 10th of November. If you are interested please talk to Josephine after the service.
At the Circuit Service this afternoon “Long Service” certificates will be presented to two Local Preachers – Mrs Margaret Sutton and Miss Doreen Horn.
It was very pleasant to welcome the Ex-Service Personnel to our service last Sunday, and to receive their thankful appreciation for the invitation to Holy Communion, and their joining us in the after- service coffee.
21st October 2012
Volunteers Needed.
With “Remembrance Day” approaching volunteers are needed to sell Royal British Legion Poppies. We are asked if we can provide collectors to work in Lidl’s and Iceland’s shops for roughly three hour shifts in the week 3rd to 10th of November.
We express our thanks to all those who contributed produce, time and effort to our Harvest Festival last week; and to our “visiting preacher” for an excellent service.
14th October 2012
Regardless of rumours to the contrary there will not be a Christmas Tree Festival this year. There will be a “Winter Fayre” on Friday 14th of December.
Note from the Editor: I may be brilliant BUT I am not a mind reader – if times or venues are changed I will only know it if I am told.
Note from the Treasurer: Anne has expressed our “Thanks” to Ian Wright for the £219 donated to the Church from the Funeral Service for Bess Wise.
Have you noticed :
That on Friday the 5th a piece of the building fell down –
We will need to pay to have repairs done.
That the winter is coming – we will need to pay for heating.
That the Church is often asking for your money –
For two weeks I suggested that you might consider increasing
your offering in light of recent Tax Changes.
That these three facts might be connected.
7th October 2012
Next Sunday is Algitha Road’s Harvest Festival.
There is, therefore, an urgent need for people to bring their gifts on Friday 12th or Saturday 13th. Although some fresh fruits and flowers are welcome, gifts of non-perishable tins, boxes and confectioneries are more convenient for post-service distribution.
There is also a need for ‘decorators’ on Saturday morning to help to display the gifts in the Church.
Regardless of rumours to the contrary there will not be a Christmas Tree Festival this year. There will be a “Winter Fayre” on Friday 14th of December.
Note from the Editor: I may be brilliant BUT I am not a mind reader – if times or venues are changed I will only know it if I am told.
Some thoughts from Whetstone Baptist Church Magazine :
If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
It may be that your sole purpose in life is to be a warning to others.
Birthdays are good for you! The more you have, the longer you live.
30th September 2012
Where have I been ?
I’ve been in Flexible, but only when I thought it was very important to stand firm.
I’ve also been in Doubt; that’s a sad place to go and I try not to go there too often.
I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump there and I’m not too keen on physical activities.
Sometimes I’m in Capable and I go there more often as I get older.
Last Sunday I was in Lincoln Cathedral for Sung Matins – the language of the Book of Common Prayer was glorious, the standing and sitting like a Jack-in-the-box was hard on old knees and hips, the music from the choir was lovely, the hymn singing was no better than we could do in Algitha Road and the sermon was good and short. The preacher, tackling a difficult passage from the Revelation to St John, likened the Bible to a necklace of many different stones – some beautiful and simple but some plain and complicated. We were asked always to concentrate more on the total necklace than any one individual stone which we might not always appreciate; and parts of the Revelation should not be studied in isolation away from the total necklace in which they play their part.
23rd September 2012
At the Church Council Meeting on Wednesday 12th the following matters were discussed :-
That quotes be obtained for removing the Pews and inefficient, old heating from the Church; and then installing a false ceiling and modern, efficient heating – thus creating a more “useable” space.
That, although we will still have “our month” for giving produce to the Salvation Army, they are so short of food that we are asked to give tins and packets whenever we can and a Steward will take the food to the Citadel as soon as the box is full.
That some people –– not just Jayne –– should start planning and organizing the Christmas Tree Festival on 14th to 16th of December.
That if people wish to continue having Coffee after the service on the third Sunday then someone, or more than one, must volunteer to serve it. Thanks were expressed to Mary for the many years that she has done it.
That on Saturday, 13th of October the Church will need to be ‘decorated’ for the Harvest Festival. Gifts of tins, boxes and confectionery should be brought on Friday or Saturday. Flowers and fruit will be needed for the decorations.
16th September 2012
As News will break at the Council Meeting on the evening after I am writing this I offer the following for your thoughts.
JESUS LOVES ME. (Version for “Senior Members)
Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow
Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him.
Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I'll go
On through life, let come what may; He'll be there to lead the way.
When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near."
When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above, Then I'll understand His love
I love Jesus, does He know? Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love Him every day.
9th September 2012
E-mail from Paul.
“Please put a note in the Notices to say thank you very much for the love and support I received over my move to Brunei and for the helpers who did such a lovely farewell meal. Please say that even though I really miss everyone, I am very happy over here and love the school and the people. I have become involved in a very large (300 congregation), friendly and welcoming church. Thank you also for the beautiful gift which I will always treasure. I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday 16th of December.”
Where have I been ?
I’ve been in many places but I’ve never been in Cahoots. Apparently I can’t go alone; I have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I’ve never been in Cognito. I’m told no one would know me there.
I have been in Sane. There isn’t an airport; you have to be driven there. I’ve made several trips thanks to my friends and family.
2nd September 2012
The “Margery Shaw Memorial Concert” held in our Church on Saturday the 25th of August was a musical “tour de force” and a financial success as it raised £460 for Church Funds. John asks me to thank all those who helped in Church and Kitchen.
World Vision.
We have received a report on the progress Omondi is making at school and how our sponsorship helps him and his village. The Report is on the “World Vision Board” in the church. Over the past few months the money placed in the plate for the sponsorship of Omondi and Grace has been well below the amount needed. No one individual, nor church funds, should be expected to cover the shortfall and so the church members need to decide whether they wish to continue with this sponsorship.
August 2012
Sunday the 12 August
We bid a fond farewell and "bon voyage" to Paul as he leaves us for a new life in Brunei. Thank you for all you've done Paul, especially for repeating the chorus !!!
Church AGM and Council Meeting. At the Meeting of the Church Council on Tuesday the 17th of July the Church Officers and Stewards for the 2012/13 Connexional Year were duly elected. The meeting then had an Open and un-minuted discussion on the future of the Church - its members, associates and buildings. No vote was taken but the Stewards and Church Council members have heard the views expressed and will, at a later date, make decisions from an informed position.
1st July 2012
Please Note : The Algitha Road Church Council Meeting on the 17th will be to elect the Officers taking up their posts in September. The elections will be followed by an un-minuted discussion for a frank exchange of views on the way forward for our church.
Have you heard any of these said in your church recently?
I love it when we sing a hymn I’ve never heard before.
It’s my turn to sit in the front pew.
The Annual Church Meeting – it’s the highlight of my year.
I’ll volunteer to be a Steward.
I’m so looking forward to the 52-week course of sermons on Leviticus.
Of course I’ll double my weekly offering.
Can you think of any other unlikely overheard phrases?
24th June 2012
We extend our heartfelt sympathy, and our prayers, to our friends at Sutton on Sea at this time, and hope that they may eventually emerge strengthened by their ordeal by fire.
Your attention is drawn to the Church Council Meeting on Tuesday – this meeting is open to all church members and associates as the Circuit Leadership will want to discuss the way forward for Algitha Road.
And Ivy Skinner’s 100th birthday.
We thank God for Martha Payne whose £82,000 will feed so many school children in Malawi.
17th June 2012
Last month, Ian and Kim, a couple from Chicago came to see our church. They had come to deal with the estate of Ian’s parents who had recently died in Bury Saint Edmonds where Ian was born, and then they came to see our church where Ian’s parents had been married in 1943. They enjoyed looking round the Church, the History Corner and the Balcony with much digital photography! They gave a generous donation to the church as they left to return to Chicago on the next day. They assured Mary that their visit to Algitha Road had made their day and had been the best bit of their whole stay in England.
On the church’s behalf may I say “Thank You” to Mary for making them welcome and showing them round.
And I have been asked on behalf of Jayne, Jenny and Mary to say “Thank You” to all who had their arms twisted for the £200 that you contributed to them for their intrepid walk for this year’s Christian Aid.
10th June 2012
Our “Thanks” are due to Eileen for the excellent “Jubilee” arrangement which adorned our church for Pageant Sunday.
Newsletters. I intend to do as I did last year and not have weekly Newsletters during the months of July and August. I will prepare a Monthly Digest with the Service details for our three churches and a “What’s On Diary” for the month in question. If you want your event to be mentioned you must let me have details before the end of June; for example if your event has a Summer Break – when is your last meeting before the break and when do you start again in the autumn?
The world wide Anglican Church has discussed “mission” and has identified “Five marks of Mission”.
To tell people about God’s love. He made them.
To help new Christians to grow in Faith. He saved them.
To love all people. He does.
To change the world for the better. He shows us how.
To care for and conserve the environment. He created it.
We are not Anglicans but we can still be “missionaries”.
3rd June 2012
This Sunday’s Service at Algitha Road starts at 11.00am.
Gift Day.
The Church wishes to thank all of you who contributed to our Gift Day. Not only did we have an inspiring Coffee Morning Service but we also received
£1,182.00 for our funds.
Thank You Everybody. Anne May.
Congratulations to Jim Judd on his birthday yesterday.
I believe in the sun, even when it does not shine. I believe in love, even when I do not feel it. I believe in God, even though God is silent. Written on a cellar wall in Cologne during WW II.
27th May 2012
On Tuesday the 29th at 12.00noon at Algitha Road Church there is to be a Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Margery Shaw
Please note that the Morning Service at Algitha Road next Sunday, the 3rd, starts at 11.00am.
I read an article some time ago that likened the church to a football match in which you have twenty-two players on the field desperately in need of rest being cheered on by hundreds of spectators in the stands desperately in need of exercise !! Unfortunately this is a true picture of too many local churches.
Editor’s comment :-
They have TWENTY-TWO players and HUNDREDS of spectators!! We would be lucky to find a Volley-ball team!!
20th May 2012
Some thoughts on reading “Going to Church” by John Pritchard.
What is Church For? The Church has to be offering people the pearl of infinite price – a relationship with the living God – How?
By telling the Bible story.
By administering the Sacraments.
By leading Worship.
By providing a centre for different forms of Spirituality.
By giving examples of God inspired Architecture, Art and Music.
By being a central part of our country’s History.
By its living bible-reading, sacrament-taking, worshipping people.
How far does Algitha Road fit this pattern???
13th May 2012
From the Whetstone Baptist Church Magazine.
The membership of any Church is made up of four sets of bones …
There are wishbones, who spend all their time wishing someone else would do all the work.
There are jawbones, who do all the talking but very little else.
There are knucklebones, who take pleasure in knocking everything that anybody else tries to do.
And there are the valuable backbones, who stand up for their faith, push forward and get on and do the work.
To which set might you belong?
6th May 2012
Our Superintendent, the Rev Cecil, has asked me to pass on to you some of the results of the Church Council Extended Meeting, at which the results of the Questionnaire were presented, and which was held in Algitha Road Hall on Tuesday the 1st of May.
For the past five years (at least) the Church has been running at a deficit with Expenditure exceeding Income by between £10,000 and £20,000 p.a. This leads to an inevitable conclusion – that if we don’t do something we will, very soon, be bankrupt. Our Reserves can not continue to cover a deficit of this size. After a careful look at the situation and lengthy, serious discussion all the members present voted to instruct the Church Council to examine the possibilities of selling the front (church) part of the building and concentrating our efforts on developing the rear (halls) for Church and Community use.
The next Church Council Meeting – to which you are all invited to have your say – will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday the 26th of June, by which time the Council members may have something to report.
29th April 2012
Revd Cecil Mundy and Revd Nigel Clements have agreed that they should offer an extended invitation to all members and associates of the Church to attend the Church Council meeting on May 1st because of the importance of this meeting. The vital discussion on the future of the Skegness Methodist Church building will be on the meeting’s agenda. If a vote is needed only Church Council Members will vote, but they will do so having heard all your views.
Louth Male Voice Choir. I am assured that the Choir provided a great evening’s entertainment that was much enjoyed by everyone. As a contribution to their Charity the treasurer allowed them the use of the Church for free.
Fellowship of Churches. The next meeting of the Skegness Fellowship of Churches is at St Paul’s Baptist Church at 4.00pm on Wednesday the 2nd of May. At the moment we do not have a Methodist Representative in the Fellowship and your participation would be very welcome and very valuable. Feel free to be our Rep.
22nd April 2012
Community Larder.
Algitha Road is responsible for the Community Larder refill boxes at the back of the Church for the whole of May. Wanted items are individual tins and boxes of foodstuffs, larger tins and boxes for couples and families, and soaps, toothbrushes and toothpastes.
Philosophical thoughts.
Since it’s the early worm that gets eaten by the bird – sleep late. And it is the second mouse that gets to eat the cheese.
15th April 2012
Phakamisa Project.
At the Alford Coffee Morning at 9.30am and Service at 10.30am on Tuesday the 17th you can meet Glenda Howieson, the Project Coordinator. At 6.30pm there will be a Circuit Missions Meeting at which African Food will be served and Glenda will talk about the work being done in Pinetown. The cost for the evening is £6. To allow for catering places must be reserved from the Circuit Office.
Louth Male Voice Choir.
The Choir is performing a Charity Concert in aid of “Home Start” in Algitha Road Methodist Church
at 7.30pm on Friday 20th of April. Refreshments will be available.
Tickets cost £6.00 and are available from Jayne and Anne; or from Lowndes, Lumley Road.
“Partnership Service”. Sunday 22nd. 4.00pm. at Sutton on Sea with Rev Bruce Thompson.
Community Larder. Algitha Road is responsible for the Community Larder refill boxes at the back of the Church for the whole of May. Wanted items are individual tins and boxes of foodstuffs, larger tins and boxes for couples and families, and soaps, toothbrushes and toothpastes.
8th April 2012
Louth Male Voice Choir.
The Choir is performing a Charity Concert in aid of “Home Start” in Algitha Road Methodist Church
at 7.30pm on Friday 20th of April.
Tickets at £6.00 are available from Jayne and Anne.
!st April 2012
Mrs Mavis Coley would be glad to receive monetary contributions for the Flowers for Easter.
And she deserves our thanks for the charming gifts she prepared for Mothers Day.
18th March 2012
Update on World Vision Sponsorship.
Our two sponsored children continue to do well.
Omondi Kevin Omuga in Kenya is now 13 years old and is progressing well at school. Our money goes to buy his clothes and school books, etc. He enjoys playing football but he also has to help look after the cows and chickens which we have bought.
Grace Honde lives in Malawi and is 8 years old. Her birthday is in April and I have sent her a card from all of us. She, also, is progressing well, especially in Mathematics. She says she would like to be a Teacher when she leaves school.
We have had letters from both children thanking us for helping them and their families. I am grateful to everyone who gives money each week. It is good to know that we can help these young people. Thank you everyone. Heather Gray.
11th March 2012
Recap from last week: - “Perhaps it would be interesting to ask someone who never enters any church to describe a Methodist. I wonder what they would say. Someone who doesn’t drink? Who doesn’t dance? Who doesn’t gamble? Is this the image that people outside the church have retained from some bygone era?”
Bruce Thompson answers:- Taking them in reverse order:
We don’t seem able to host a concert, Spring Fair or Christmas tree festival these days without a raffle! As for dancing – well most of my post-worship conversations in the last four months of the year seem to centre around “Strictly”. Many of us have become quite expert at choreography and the Argentine tango! We won’t mention drink!
The image that was once given out was of a Church that frowned upon fun, where our members abstained from much and whose worship was so often bereft of symbolism. But the Methodist Church is not what it was.
The problem is the stigma remains in the minds of so many. It is taking a long time to shake off the baggage of yesteryear. In many quarters it would appear that the baggage remains treasured tradition and some will hold on to it to their dying day. Tragically the consequence of doing so may well be the death of the church alongside those who will not loosen up and let go. (Edited by GMG to fit the space available.)
Fund Raising – and having Fun – on the 2nd of March.
On Friday night 48 people enjoyed a Pie and Pea Supper. A big “Thank You” to Julia and Eric for entertaining us; and to Sue, Neil and Mavis for feeding us. We all had a good time with plenty of good food, singing, chatter and laughter. And £200.00 was raised for Church funds. “Thank You” to all who supported the event. Treasurer Anne.
4th March 2012
From Bruce Thompson (District Chairman).
Dear Friends, If we were asked to describe a Methodist I wonder what we would say. Someone who likes a good hymn? Someone who takes scripture seriously? Someone who loves spending hours in laborious meetings? Sorry, very important, highly significant meetings without which the Church would grind to a halt. I wonder how you would describe a Methodist.
Perhaps it would be even more interesting to ask someone who never darkens the door of any church to describe a Methodist.
I wonder what they would say. Someone who doesn’t drink? Who doesn’t dance? Who doesn’t gamble?
Is this the image that people outside the church have retained from some bygone era?
How would you describe a Methodist? In a future “Newsletter” I will give Bruce’s thoughts on these views.
26th February 2012
Reflections from a nostalgic visit.
Heather and I went, last week-end, to Nottingham where we had spent a year in 1962/3 while I did my PGCE. During that year we were members of the Broomhill Road Church of Christ. At that time it was a normal, run-of-the-mill, non-conformist church with a not very exciting minister. On our nostalgic return last Sunday we found a church with a Mother and Toddler Group, a Children’s Club, a Teenage Meeting, a Women’s Fellowship, a Monthly Walking Group; with no hymnbooks, with Songs and Choruses (and pictures) projected by computer on to the front wall and a service that was so “happy-clappy” I could hardly believe it. AND the church service was full – with families, children, teenagers, mothers and fathers and more mature people who actually remembered Heather and me. The building was overflowing with life –– then we returned to Algitha Road; to what we know, and to what we might wish was different; but can we change ?
19th February 2012
Thoughts about “Going to Church”
Think of a visit you paid to a church other than Algitha Road / Addlethorpe / Chapel St Leonards. What struck you about it and its service? How did you feel as a visitor?
Think about a new Christian visiting your church for the first time. What is there in your church and its service that would strike him/her as Good, Very Good, Odd, or Very Odd?
Does your church offer a wide variety of worshipping/praising experiences? If not – could you or it change?
Could you describe/explain your ideal/perfect church and its services?
12th February 2012
On Thursday, 16th, February “Churches Together in All Lincolnshire” are holding a training session for “Mission Shaped Intro” at The Storehouse, North Parade, Skegness from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. Refreshments will be available. This is a one-off session to train people who might be willing to run (Help Run) a six week course exploring the “why” of creating fresh expressions of church rather than the “how”. If you are interested please look at the Poster;
and then ring Simon Dean on 01522 504071.
5th February 2012
Women’s World Day of Prayer.
Algitha Road Methodist Church needs women to represent us at this Annual Service on March the 2nd. Two volunteers would be needed if we are to replace Ida Paul and Margaret Smith who are no longer able to take part in the service. If you are interested in knowing what is involved see Mrs Heather Gray.
On behalf of many of us this winter a child called Rod writes to God – “Dear God, what are colds for?”
29th January 2012
Women’s World Day of Prayer.
Algitha Road Methodist Church needs women to represent us at this Annual Service on March the 2nd. Two volunteers would be needed if we are to replace Ida Paul and Margaret Smith who are no longer able to take part in the service. If you are interested in knowing what is involved see Mrs Heather Gray.
To save the costs of heating the Church our Sunday Services will now be in the Prentice Room until Sunday, the 25th of March.
“Give me a sense of humour, Lord; give me the grace to see a joke.
To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk.”
Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong sermon on “The Devil”.
One said to the other, “What do you think about all this Satan stuff?”
The other boy replied, “Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It’s probably just your Dad!”
22nd January 2012
Owing to health problems our Minister, Revd Nigel Clements, is officially on the “sick list” and must not attempt to do any work until Easter, or later. Much of his work will now be done by the Superintendent and Supernumerary Ministers.
If you need immediate ‘Pastoral Care’ you must contact the Circuit Office on 01507 462460
or Revd Cecil Mundy himself on 01507 450968.
To save the costs of heating the Church our Sunday service will now be in the Prentice Room until, at least, Mothering Sunday, the 18th of March.
15th January 2012
Those of you who were at the Covenant Service last Sunday will already know this information but it does no harm to place it formally in print. The hip problem of our Minister, Revd Nigel Clements, has taken a turn for the worse and he is officially on the “sick list” and must not attempt to do any work until Easter, or later. Much of his work will now be done by the Superintendent and Supernumerary Ministers.
If you need immediate ‘Pastoral Care’ you must contact the Circuit Office on 01507 462460
or Revd Cecil Mundy himself on 01507 450968.
To save the costs of heating the Church our Sunday service will now be in the Prentice Room until, at least, Mothering Sunday, the 18th of March.
8th January 2012
The Twelve Days of Christmas. From Neil Baxter.
On the first day of Christmas my true love said to me
I’ve bought a fresh turkey and a proper Christmas tree.
On the second day of Christmas much laughter could be heard
As we tucked into our turkey, a most delicious bird.
On the third day of Christmas came the people from next door
The turkey tasted just as good as it had before.
On the fourth day of Christmas our snowman big and bold
Looked in through the window as we ate our turkey cold.
On the fifth day of Christmas outside the snowflakes flurried
But we were snug and warm inside, we had our turkey curried.
On the sixth day of Christmas the Christmas spirit died
The children fought and bickered and we had our turkey fried.
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love did wince
When he sat down at table and was offered turkey mince.
On the eighth day of Christmas the dog had run for shelter
He’d seen our turkey pancakes and the glass of alka seltzer.
On the ninth day of Christmas by lunchtime Dad was blotto
He knew the bird was back again, this time as risotto.
On the tenth day of Christmas we were drinking home-made brew
And as if this wasn’t bad enough we were eating turkey stew.
On the eleventh day of Christmas the Christmas tree was moulting
With chili, soy and oyster sauce the turkey was revolting.
On the twelfth day of Christmas we had smiles upon our lips
The guests had gone, the turkey too, we dined on –– fish and chips.
( I hope your “Twelve Days” were better than this ! The Editor.)