18th December 2011
Winter Fayre. I am told that a ‘good time’ was had by all who supported the Fayre and the fact that it made £675.30 is very pleasing. ‘Thank You’ to all the busy helpers – and ‘Well Done’ everyone !
Important reminder:–
We at Algitha Road are responsible for the Community Larder Boxes for the month of December. Please bring your contributions by, or on, Sunday January 1st, 2012.
Please note the time for next Sunday’s Morning Services at Algitha Road and at Addlethorpe.
Because they will not be sending Cards this year, choosing to give the money to Water Aid – I am asked by Bill and Ida Paul to wish you all, on their behalf, a
“Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year”
11th December 2011
Important reminder:–
We at Algitha Road are responsible for the Community Larder Boxes for the month of December. Please bring your contributions by, or on, Sunday January 1st, 2012.
This is a Fellowship of Churches initiative and is separate from our church’s “Christmas Gifts” to Withern Lodge.
Please Note the times of our Carol Service on the 18th and of the Christmas Day Morning Service on Sunday the 25th.
Christmas Lunch. Although the aim of the lunch is to give our members time to enjoy each others’ company while having a good meal rather than to make money it is pleasing to announce that the lunch contributed £311.06 to church funds. For which Sue and Neil, and their helpers, deserve our grateful thanks.
4th December 2011
As our Harvest Gifts to Witham Lodge were so greatly appreciated some of us have wondered if our congregation might like to give the Lodge residents some Christmas ‘goodies’ in the form of individual Xmas Puddings, tins of fruit or small packets of biscuits. If you are willing to give something please bring your gifts to Church next Sunday, or on the 18th, and Anne/Jayne will deliver them for us.
We take this opportunity to thank those of our members who continue to contribute to the “Flower Fund”. However, now that we worship in the Prentice Room for the winter, we have to decide what to do with the flowers after the Sunday Service. As we derive valuable finance by renting out the room to groups, to our mutual benefit, we can no longer leave the flowers in the Prentice Room. After discussing the matter with Mavis, the Stewards wish it to be known that the person responsible for the Sunday Flowers is free, as he/she wishes, to take the flowers up into Church after the service, or to take them home, to take them to a neighbour, or, as one member has told me, to take them to put on a relative’s grave. If you would like to discuss this further speak to Mavis Coley, Anne May, or any Steward.
20th November 2011
The Worship Leaders would like to thank all those who supported their “Remembrance” Services last Friday and Sunday. We also thank Anne May for being our representative for the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the War Memorial during the Civic Remembrance Service.
As we approach Christmas I will share with you
a Christmas Version of 1 Corinthians 13;
Part One (More to follow!)
If I decorate my house perfectly with bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny baubles, but show no love for my family, I’m just another decorator.
If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Mince Pies, preparing the Turkey and arranging a beautifully decorated table, but do not show love for my family, I’m just another cook.
If I work at the Soup Kitchen, sing carols in the Nursing Home, and give generously to charities, but do not show love for my family, it profits me nothing.
If I trim the tree with silver angels and lace snowflakes, have fun at Xmas Parties and sing in the Choir’s Christmas Cantata, but do not focus on Christ, then I’ve missed the point.
13th November 2011
At the AGM and Council meetings on Tuesday the 8th the Revd Nigel asked us all to come before the Lord to seek the way forward for us as a fellowship of believers. He put before us some options :
To keep the Algitha Road site and develop/modernize it.
To sell the Church and keep and develop the rear Halls.
To sell the whole site and relocate by renting, buying or building a worship centre in a more appropriate site.
Develop a covenant relationship with the Anglican Church and use one of their buildings for our worship services.
What other options do you have as a Church Member to offer for our democratic consideration ??
Those who were at the AGM discussed the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats present in each of these options. However everyone should have an opportunity to pray, and to think what the Lord wants us to do.
Therefore these matters will be brought before the whole Church assembled at the Covenant Service on the 8th of January next year. The Revd Nigel believes that there could be a day of “Prayer and Fasting” to take place in the Church before final decisions are made. One point on which all were agreed is that we wish there to be a continuing “Methodist Presence” in Skegness.
6th November 2011
Your attention is drawn to the AGM and Council Meetings on Tuesday.
More thought on what to do during a future sermon :-
Try adapting some well known hymn titles for use in our church. For example, “O for two score tongues to sing”; “Wearisome is the work, my God, my King,”; “Breathe on him/her, Breath of God,” “Lead them, heavenly Father, lead them”; “I’ll praise my Maker when I remember”.
30th October 2011
The charity coffee morning hosted by Val raised £300.00. £250.00 has been given to “Clear View” and £50.00 to the Church.
Thank you to all who contributed in any way.
Thoughts on what to do during a boring sermon :-
Work out some ‘chants’ like those used by Football Fans but for your neighbouring church-goers.
For example, “What do we want?” “Gradual change.” “When do we want it?” “In due course.”
23rd October 2011
On Wednesday the 12th Jayne and group of stewards met with Mr Steve Dunn and Mr James Murphy to discuss possible ways forward for the Algitha Road Church buildings. The two gentlemen have been involved with the development of Spilsby Methodist Church as a vibrant asset in the town and are experts at managing, and funding, ‘change’. Their ‘words of wisdom’ will be seriously considered by the Stewards who will then offer recommendations to the Church Council.
Another Letter:
“Dear God, Are boys better than girls? I know you are one but try to be fair. Sylvia.”
16th October 2011
A traditionalist minister was completing a fiery temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, “If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.” Then, with even greater emphasis he said, “And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.” And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he said, “And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.” Sermon complete, he sat down. The song leader stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, nearly laughing, “For our closing song, let us sing Hymn #365, ‘Shall We Gather at the River.'”
9th October 2011
STOP PRESS. At 3 o’clock this morning (Tuesday) Jayne became Granny to Elise Ruby,
weighing in at 7 lb 6 oz.
A big “Thank You” to all those who made our Harvest Festival such a success and who distributed the Gift Baskets and Flowers to our house-bound members. We particularly thank Rev Rosemary Wakelin for her inspiring, and challenging, service; aided by the unexpected, but helpful, arrival of a Samaritan woman of very “ill repute”.
The staff at Witham Lodge were very pleased to receive the non- perishable items from the Harvest Festival and send their grateful thanks to us all. Anne.
2nd October 2011
Back to Church Sunday
Thank you to the six people who took part, thank you to those people who came, even though some were not regular members of our congregation, and a big thank you for all the favourable comments made to us after the service.
From “Children’s Letters to God” Mark writes:
“Dear God. What is the use of being good if nobody knows it?”
18th September 2011
Your attention is drawn to two special days in the coming week:-
Wednesday the 21st is the United Nations International Day of Peace,
and Sunday the 25th is “Back to Church Day”.
A joke for all those with siblings:-
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with the children. After explaining the commandment to ‘Honour thy father and thy mother,’ she asked “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?” Without any hesitation one boy answered “Thou shalt not kill.”
11th September 2011
Some of our members will remember Mrs Anne Whitman and will be sad to hear of her funeral in Leeds tomorrow. I am sorry to say that I know no further details, but Lois might be able to help.
Here is a story passed to me from the “Church Times”:
The minister had spent a long time preparing his sermon and was disappointed to find a congregation of one elderly farmer. He enquired if he would like to hear the sermon. “If I took a bucket to the yard, and only one hen turned up, I’d still feed her,” said the farmer. So the minister delivered his hour-long address. Afterwards the farmer added a further comment; “I said I’d feed her but I’m blowed if I’d give her the whole bucketful.”
4th September 2011
The Treasurer wishes to thank Eileen Pickering and her “Crafty” colleagues from Thursday Leisure Day for their donation of £60 to Church Funds.
The Church Parlour.
At an Extraordinary Church Council Meeting on Tuesday the 23rd of August it was unanimously agreed that the Church Parlour be rented out to the Greater Grimsby Learning Limited on a rolling Annual lease paying £1,000 p. month. They will have exclusive use of the room and will themselves pay for any changes they want in the power supply and access. They will be responsible for all their own insurance and security. This letting will necessitate some changes in the way we use the Hall and Prentice Room, a fact which worried some members, but we felt that the opportunity to receive £12,000 a year towards our Circuit Assessment was too good to miss. We are grateful that Circuit leadership has agreed to lower our Assessment to £16,000 p.a. but we will still have to find the difference, as well as money for all our other regular bills for gas, electricity, wages, etc.
August 2011
From the Treasurer.
The lunch organised by Neil and Sue Baxter raised £263.80 for Church Funds.
The Sponsored Bible Read raised £322.00 split equally between Church and the Bible Society.
The Coffee Morning and the Retiring Collection in aid of the East Africa Crisis raised £164.13.
A very big “thank you” to all who organised the events and to all who took part.
The Minister.
The Revd Nigel Clements is on holiday from the 1st to the 17th of this month.
All urgent pastoral matters should be referred to the Revd Cecil Mundy. Tel: 01507 450968.
Thought for the Month.
Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good Morning, Lord,” and those who wake up in the morning and say “Good Lord, it’s morning.” (Somebody else said there are only two kinds of people in the world – those who think that there are only two kinds of people and those who do not! GMG.)
3rd July 2011
Mrs Jenny Savage wishes to thank all who helped and supported the Jolly Quilters’ Quilt Festival and who, as well as having an excellent experience, raised £1,660.50.
Mrs Anne May has informed me that the final amount received for our “Gift Day” was £1,521.85, while the Sponsored Bible reading brought in £257.00 which will be shared equally between the Algitha Road Church and the Bible Society. Congratulations to all the people involved in these fantastic efforts and their very pleasing results.
Well Done Everyone !
26th June 2011
The Treasurer is very grateful for the £1,376.60 received from the Gift Day envelopes so far opened.
The “Trefoil” Coffee Morning raised £112.00 – for which all helpers and attendees are thanked.
24 Hour Bible Reading. A sincere “Thank You”
to all who took part. The amount raised will be announced when all the Sponsorship monies have been received.
Attention is drawn to the fact that Algitha Road Methodist Church is responsible for filling the Community Larder Boxes during the month of June, i.e. for four more days
World Vision. We have recently received a Christmas card from Grace in Malawi which is on the board in Church.
19th June 2011
Gift Day.
The Treasurer is very grateful for the £1,376.60 received from the Gift Day envelopes so far opened.
24 Hour Bible Reading. As this Newsletter is printed before the conclusion of the event its details will be in next week’s edition – but until then “Thank You” to all who took part.
Attention is drawn to the fact that Algitha Road Methodist Church is responsible for filling the Community Larder Boxes during the month of June. The Following items will be appreciated: Tins of fruit, potatoes, sweet corn and rice pudding along with multi-pack crisps, packets of biscuits and ½ ltr long-life milk.
World Vision. We have recently received a Christmas card from Grace in Malawi which is on the board in Church. It appears to have been posted on the 15th of November 2010 – somebody’s postal service needs reviewing!
12th June 2011
A big “Thank You” to all those who gave in their “Gift Day” envelopes and to those who came to the Coffee Morning Service.
Attention is drawn to the fact that Algitha Road Methodist Church is responsible for filling the Community Larder Boxes during the month of June. The Following items will be appreciated: Tins of fruit, potatoes, sweet corn and rice pudding along with multi-pack crisps, packets of biscuits and ½ ltr long-life milk.
Friday/Saturday June 17/18th. To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible Algitha Road Church is to host a sponsored “24 hours of Bible Reading”. The Revd Nigel has the ‘Timetable of Readers’ and wants you to let him know when you can do an hour, or half an hour, or more !
Congratulations to Jayne and Mary for raising £190 for Christian Aid by their walking – this is added to the £33 collected in Church.
5th June 2011
Coffee Mornings. Those of you who came to the Coffee Morning last Friday will not need telling that the cost of a cup of coffee is now 80 pence. This rise has been necessary because of the rising costs of coffee, of milk, of sugar and of electricity with which to boil the water –– it is still some of the best value coffee in town !!
Saturday/Sunday June 11/12th. Please note the all-day Circuit “Fellowship Day” at Algitha Road on Saturday and the Circuit Pentecost Service on Sunday.
Friday/Saturday June 17/18th. To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible Algitha Road Church is to host a sponsored “24 hours of Bible Reading”. The Revd Nigel has the ‘Timetable of Readers’ and wants you to let him know when you can do an hour, or half an hour, or more !
29th May 2011
Door Stewards. I once heard a Door Steward refer to her fellow steward as her “partner in crime” – may I assure you that Door Stewarding is not a criminal activity; so you can quite legally volunteer by having a word with Mrs Jean Judd.
“Jesus Folk” The Musical is to be presented by the Withern Singers at 7.30pm on Friday/Saturday 3/4th June at the Withern Chapel. The cost is £6 including supper. Contact 01507 450138. See the Notice in the Church.
Friday/Saturday June 17/18th. To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible Algitha Road Church is to host a sponsored “24 hours of Bible Reading”. The Revd Nigel has the ‘Timetable of Readers’ and wants you to let him know when you can do an hour, or half an hour, or more !
22nd May 2011
Door Stewards. On several occasions in the past few weeks visitors, and locals who have not been to church for some time, have commented on how welcoming our church is when they come for Sunday morning service –– this welcome is due, in no small part, to the work of the Door Stewards –– wouldn’t you like to join them ? Please have a word with Mrs Jean Judd.
15th May 2011
Finance. At a recent Algitha Road Stewards’ Meeting Anne, our treasurer, discussed the possible budget for next Connexional Year. Our monthly Offerings are well short of our monthly Assessment payment to Circuit; add the inevitable bills for Gas, Electricity, Water and Staff salaries and it is obvious that we are in trouble. Also the cuts in Local and National Government Grants to social service bodies means that they can no longer afford to rent our Community Hall so our income from that source is decreasing. Next year we could be £9,000 in the red – if you know what we can do please tell us! And think about the “Gift Day” and “Giving”
Door Stewards. Not everyone can afford to give more money – but could you give a few minutes every now and then as a Door Steward? Jean Judd really does need new volunteers for her list.
From Mary Lower –– Why the Cross?
The cross is
a picture of violence, yet the key to peace;

a picture of suffering, yet the key to healing;

a picture of death, yet the key to life;

a picture of weakness, yet the key to power;

a picture of punishment, yet the key to mercy;

a picture of humiliation, yet the key to forgiveness;

a picture of hatred, yet the key to love;

a picture of shame, yet the key to glory.
The Cross really is –– The Key to Everything.
8th May 2011
The Revd Nigel is to be Ordained at Annual conference in Liverpool on Sunday July 3rd. Neil Baxter would like to hear, fairly soon, from anyone who would like a lift to the Ordination Service by car, or hired minibus, so that the possibilities of going can be examined, and tickets obtained.
Worshippers from across our circuit joined with those from our partnership circuits at Louth Church on Sunday afternoon for the annual celebration service. The church was full – extra chairs needed! Louth Riverhead Silver Band led the singing and ministers from the 3 circuits conducted the Worship. The address was given by Dr Pete Atkins – the Chair of Churches Together in all Lincolnshire. His message was inspiring and very thought provoking. Following the service there was fellowship over a Faith Tea.
Next year hopefully the service will be in our circuit and it would be good to see as many as possible supporting it and enjoying the worship and fellowship.
1st May 2011
We have great pleasure in welcoming the 42nd Nottingham Boys’ Brigade to our Church – may their time in Skegness be as great a pleasure to them.
Saturday May 21st. 10.00am. Can you join, or sponsor, Jayne and Mary on their intrepid expedition from Chapel Point to Skegness for funds for Christian Aid ? They really will appreciate your company – or your money !
Isn’t it strange how I need to know about an event at Church 2 to 3 weeks in advance so that I can fit it in my agenda, but I can adjust the agenda at the last minute for other events?
A Minister parked his car in a no-parking zone as he was short of time and couldn’t find a place with a meter. He put a note under the windscreen wiper that read; “I’ve circled the block 10 times. If I don’t park here I’ll miss my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses.” When he returned he found a note from the Traffic Warden; “I’ve worked in this block for 10 years. If I don’t give you a ticket I’ll lose my job. Lead us not into temptation.”
24th April 2011
Christ the Lord is risen today;
Alleluia !
After darkness, light; After winter, spring; After dying, life; Alleluia !
Let us, today, remember that Christ is with us –
In every time of perplexity to guide and direct;
In every time of sorrow to comfort and console;
In every time of temptation to strengthen and inspire;
In every time of loneliness to cheer and befriend;
Even in death to bring us through to the glory on the other side.
Alleluia !
(Adapted from William Barclay.)
Saturday May 21st. 10.00am. Can you join, or sponsor, Jayne and Mary on their intrepid expedition from Chapel Point to Skegness for funds for Christian Aid ? They really will appreciate your company – or your money !
17th April 2011
I have recently been given a book called “Man of Galilee” by Frederick C. Pelser and, if you haven’t read it (as I hadn’t until now), I do recommend it strongly.
(The Publisher is ‘Autumn House’. ISBN 1-873796-28-5)
This book tells the New Testament stories about Jesus as seen through his eyes, and in his words; it’s a sort of imagined autobiography, with chapters such as “Just a Samaritan Woman”, “Down through the Roof”, and “Four Thousand Fed”. The account of the “Triumphal Entry” has Jesus, after he sent the disciples to fetch the donkey, saying
“They went off in thoughtful mood – I had for the first time referred to myself as Lord.” And, later, “A commotion was set off by the arrival of the donkeys. The ancient Jewish custom of a royal entry into the city on a donkey! I was at last willing to be crowned as King!”
This book really does make us see well-known stories in a new way. As the ‘blurb’ on the back says – “Perhaps the most readable life of Christ ever written, “Man of Galilee” is also a classic of biblical scholarship.”
10th April 2011
Important late announcement: On Friday the 15th there is a “Special” Church Coffee Morning at which Chris South hopes to run her usual, excellent, ‘Tombola’ Stall. However a Tombola Stall with NO Prizes on it looks rather silly and Chris has used up nearly all her stock SO COULD YOU PLEASE HELP HER BY BRINGING PRIZES TO THE CHURCH BEFORE FRIDAY.
Important ‘future’ announcement: The Treasurer told us at the Church Council meeting that our finances are on the downward path.
I am not an Accountant, I don’t do shorthand, but the message we got loud and clear is :-
That we need £3,350 every month to pay for Circuit, Gas, Electricity, Water, Telephone and Dust-bin removal AND wages for our caretaker and administrator.
That our income from all sources last month was £2730. There is a problem there AND it is going to get worse. Because we are losing room rentals from three of our good, past customers and the Car Park takings are going down. It is estimated that next year could see our income fall by some £9,000. As a move to cut our expenses we agreed that Jayne would work fewer hours and get paid less – a drop in the oceanic tsunami of our expected, future debt!
What we need is more money – see “Gift Day” information on the next page.
3rd April 2011
It is my rule, for the sake of privacy, that I do not include the names of individuals in ‘News’ or ‘Prayer’ information unless I have that individual’s permission, or he/she specifically asks to be named. However, Mary has asked me to break my rule to include the following :
After a difficult seven months, Ellen is able to enjoy food again, which means she’s beginning to rebuild her strength.
She thanks us for the prayer support and is optimistic about returning to church.
God bless, Ellen. It will be good to have you back (to?) us.”
27th March 2011
On Wednesday the 16th the Algitha Road “Wednesday Fellowship” had their Annual Lunch when there was an abundance of good food and pleasant friendship, and even some ‘fun’.
With pleasure I am able to inform you that the “Marie Curie” Coffee Morning on Friday the 18th raised £333 for the charity –
with ‘Thanks’ to all who worked for, and attended, the event.
I have been given descriptions of a series of really strange things –
Here are another two of them :
Isn’t it strange how everyone wants a place in Heaven, but they don’t want to believe, or do or say anything to get there.
Isn’t it strange how we believe everything that Newspapers and Magazines say, but we question the words in the Bible.
20th March 2011
I have been given descriptions of a series of really strange things – Here are another two of them :
1. Isn’t it strange how everyone wants front-row tickets to concerts or games, but they do whatever is possible to sit in the last row in church?
2. Isn’t it strange how difficult and boring to read one chapter of the Bible, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?
From Neil Baxter – here is another version of “Isn’t it strange” #1:
“People want the front of the bus, the back of the church, and the centre of attention.”
13th March 2011
IF you are interested in the “Discipleship Roadshow” at the Horncastle Methodist Church on Thursday the 17th you should contact a Steward for details.
The following verse has been given to me by Jim Judd – he told me he learnt it when he was ten, so that’s a year or two ago !!
The fear of the Lord is wisdom, as the path of life is trod,
It keeps us each day from grieving the fatherly heart of God.
Not selfish, but kind and gentle, it warns us from doing wrong,
And fills all the hearts that meet it with a glorious, sweet song.
I have been given descriptions of a series of really strange things –
Here are two of them : Isn’t it strange how a £20 bill seems like a large amount when you donate it to Church, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn’t it strange how 2 hours seem so long when in church, but so short when watching a good film?
6th March 2011
During Algitha Road’s 125 Anniversary many people were interested in the old photos that were on show. In view of this the Church Council thought it might be good to have a permanent “History Corner” on display in the Church. To this end I am asking for anyone with interesting documents, photos or anecdotes of the past to let Jayne have copies of them – or at least to let her have a look at them.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
An anonymous Child’s Letter to God.
“Dear God, are you and Reverend Nigel friends, or do you just know him through business?”
27th February 2011
'Shackleton, Reclining Light green Lounge Chair available for a needy home. No charge but donation to the church please. Contact Neil Baxter tel 810783'
There is to be a Lent Study Course here starting on March 15.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
Jayne Hopps offers this poem by Iris Hesselden –
The New Year lies behind us, Lord; The time is moving on,
With many resolutions now Forgotten, lost and gone.
But through the months before us, Lord,
Please help us to be strong, Protect us in the storms of life
When we are blown along.
And through the promise of the Spring,
The warmth of Summer days,
Remind us we are truly blessed In, oh, so many ways.
The year has much to offer, Lord, And lessons we must learn,
Now help us plant new seeds of hope As all the seasons turn.
20th February 2011
There is to be a Lent Study Course here starting on March 15.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
Mary Lower offers this piece from the
Sisters of Nazareth Convent –
“I have only just a minute, Only sixty seconds in it,
Forced upon me, can’t refuse it, Didn’t seek it, didn’t chose it,
But it’s up to me to use it, I must suffer if I lose it,
Give account if I abuse it, Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it”.
(If you have a piece you think might be of interest to our members please feel free to let me have it – I might not use it but I will give it careful consideration. GMG.)
13th February 2011
Tomorrow is St Valentine’s Day and I reproduce the following item for the day from the “World Vision” Prayer Guide:
Valentine’s Day embraces a time of year that is historically associated with love. As the creator of love and all good things, who loves more than God? Each of us is God’s beloved so every day can be described as Valentine’s Day. We pray that the gift of love that is offered by our Lord to us all is accepted with the same grace in which it is given.
At least four members of our congregation will be interested in Jennifer’s letter to God: “Dear God. I would like to be a teacher so I can boss people around.” (So that’s what we were paid to do!)
6th February 2011
The Minister has not yet told me of all the people willing to be our Representatives for the local Bible Society and for the Skegness Fellowship of Churches – possibly he forgot, or possibly no one has yet volunteered – we really should be represented on these Christian groups.
There is to be a Lent Study Course at Algitha Road starting on March 15.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
30th January 2011
The Minister will be delighted to hear from any more people willing to be our Representatives for the Bible Society and for the Fellowship of Churches.
There is to be a Lent Study Course here starting on March 15.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Thank you to all those who took part, attended or helped with any of the events – it is good to be reminded that we are a part of a greater fellowship of those who follow Christ, even if they sometimes use other paths.
23rd January 2011
On Wednesday the 12th of this month there was an Algitha Road Church Council meeting at which it was suggested that some of the points that were discussed should be more widely disseminated through inclusion in the Newsletter.
Rev Nigel has had a letter form the Skegness Branch of the Bible Society, and it was felt that it is a shame that
the Methodist Church is not represented on this committee, and that it should be. The Minister will be
delighted to hear from anyone willing to be our Representative.
Mary Lower has, for more years than she cares to remember, been our representative on the Skegness
Fellowship of Christian Churches, the group responsible for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and other
ecumenical events. She is now stepping down so we need a new person to volunteer. The Minister will be
delighted to hear from anyone willing to be our Representative.
There is to be a Lent Study Course here starting on March 15.
There is to be a “24 hour Sponsored Bible Reading” in Algitha Road to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of
the Authorized Version of the Bible (date to be announced).
16th January 2011
Once again I turn to my “Children’s Letters to God” book for this week’s gem. Any one who has made a New Year’s resolution to slim might sympathize with Martha who writes “Dear God. Can you marry food?” And on the subject of Food – Please read the piece about the WPCU Social Evening on the next page.
From January “E-LINKS” – Can you write a prayer for the Methodist Prayer Handbook? The title of the 2011/12 Prayer Handbook is 'Run the Race', inspired by sporting metaphors in Scripture and hymns. In preparation for the Olympic Year in 2012, the handbook will draw on themes of spiritual training, perseverance, endurance and self-discipline. It will also focus on our solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world. If you would like to submit a prayer for handbook, either on this theme, or for a particular country or district.
9th January 2011
Neil Baxter strongly recommends “The One Year Bible” (NIV) published by Tyndale House Publishing. This book gives readings, without commentaries, to cover the whole Bible in one year’s daily readings. If you are interested he is willing to lend it so that you may try it before deciding whether you wish to buy your own copy.
The observant among you will notice that the “World Vision” notices about Omondi and Grace have moved into the Hall so that we may keep up to date with them during the winter months, and so that people who do not come to Church, but who do use our Hall, may see details of one of the charities we are supporting.
2nd January 2011
Over the Christmas Week-end there have been three services in Algitha Road church. The Christmas Eve Mid-night Communion was attended by 20 people, some of whom were not members of our regular congregations. One couple from Kettering has come to Skegness every Christmas and this is the third (at least) time they have joined us for our Mid-night Communion – a service they obviously like. Another couple, Mother and late teen-age son, who said that they “do not go to church” came, took communion, and were impressed and moved by the service. I did not attend the Christmas Morning Service so my comment has to be second hand; it being Christmas Day it is no surprise that the theme was the Nativity – the ‘real’ one, the nativity set on the stage and the miniature set that the Rev Nigel “just happened to have” in his pocket. The Boxing Day Sunday service was a “Local Arrangement” service which was an excellent ‘Reader’s’ service. Its message was, of course, worth hearing; and its brevity was an advantage to the Worship Leader with her very sore throat. And finally, ‘Thank You’ to our two “visiting” organists. GMG.