27th December 2015
After the ‘fun‘ and ‘excitement’ of Christmas how about some ‘boring’ information ?
"Christmas" is a word originating in the term "Christ's Mass". It is derived from an Old English phrase and was first recorded in 1038. The Christian calendar contains many remnants of pre-Christian festivals including the Roman feast of Saturnalia. In 354AD there is very early evidence that on December 25 there was a Christian feast of the birth of Jesus. Origen of Alexandria commented that Scripture mentions only sinners as celebrating their birthdays and mentions saints as cursing the day of their birth. In 303, Arnobius ridiculed the idea of celebrating the birthdays of gods but since Christmas does not celebrate Christ's birth "as God" but "as man", this is not evidence against Christmas being a feast at that time. Many popular customs associated with Christmas have origins in pre-Christian festivals that were celebrated around the winter solstice by pagan populations who were later converted to Christianity. GMG.
20th December 2015
Thursday 24th. 11.30pm. Christmas Eve Communion Service at Algitha Road.
Christmas Day. 10.00am. Family Service at Algitha Road.
10.00am. Communion Service at Chapel St Leonards.
13th December 2015
The Addlethorpe Carol Service will be led by Neil Baxter and the Addlethorpe Puppets,
and is at 3.00pm – not at 11.00am as shown in the ‘Plan’.
Christmas Cards.
As in previous years there is a Board in the Community Hall for you to affix your card to all your friends in Algitha Road Church. You may then donate the money saved by not buying multiple cards and stamps to Julia Allton for “Action for Children”.
For which “Many Thanks”,
Used Stamps.
Many charities who used to collect used stamps no longer do – but “PARKINSON’S UK” is still collecting all / any used stamps. You can bring them to Church where Anne May or Jayne Hopps will accept them and forward them to the Charity.
6th December 2015
On Thursday, 10th, Roy and Mavis Coley will celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.
Christmas Fair.
I am asked to pass on heartfelt “Thanks” to all who worked at, or supported, the Fair and helped to produce £307.56 for the Church
Chris South is particularly glad of the help and support she received for her “Tombola Stall”.
Christmas Cards.
As in previous years there is a Board in the Community Hall for you to affix your card to all your friends in Algitha Road Church. You may then donate the money saved by not buying multiple cards and stamps to Julia Allton for “Action for Children”.
For which “Many Thanks”,
29th November 2015
Pat Massie of the “Kingfisher Friendship Group” asks me to thank Anne, Julia and Nigel for their practical help at their Coffee Morning, and everybody else for their purchases of Raffle and Tombola tickets.
The Group made £67. “Thank You” everybody.
I am informed that the Stewards have met and are to look into the possibility of doing something about the office photo-copier. If they do you might be offered Newsletters and Flower Rotas without grey sections, streaks, stripes and splotches. I apologize for the quality of the copies recently produced and look forward to a better product. As it says in Ecclesiastes (3:12) “I realized that all we can do is to be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive” and still have the same photo-copier.
22nd November 2015
Christmas Fair.
The Algitha Road Christmas Fair will be in the Church Hall from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Friday the 27th of November.
There will be a Raffle, ‘Fun’ Competitions and Tombola, Bric-a-Brac and Art stalls.
Soup & Rolls, Coffee & Tea and Mince Pies will be available.
Funeral Services.
I have had no official information but I believe the following to be the case :-
The Funeral Service for Mrs M. Smith, a Local Preacher since 1964, will be at Algitha Road at 12.00pm on Tuesday 24th.
The Funeral for Mrs Ida Paul will be a Family Service at the Crematorium followed at 1.30pm on Thursday the 26th of November by a Memorial Service in Algitha Road Church to be taken by
Mr Keith Locke.
Refreshments will be available in the Church Hall after the service.
15th November 2015
‘Thanks’ to Mr Neil Baxter for his ‘Remembrance Day’ service with its excellent blend of hymn, prayer, music and poetry on the subject of remembering those who had given their talents in the service of our country. And ‘Thanks’ to Mrs Jenny Savage for the use of her talents to create the beautiful and moving “Lest We Forget” wall hanging over the Remembrance Table. We ‘Thank God’ that there are such talented people in our church
Christmas Fair.
Mrs. Chris South asks me to remind you that she needs articles for her “Tombola Stall” at the Fair, and, although the Fair isn’t until the 27th, she needs time to prepare and wrap the prizes.
If you are hoping to help with a stall, a ‘competition’ or in the kitchen please talk to a Steward so that plans can be finalized.
From a book of ‘Church Cartoons’ : Young boy at the dining table says to his parents, “How can I thank God for this food when you know I hate carrots and liver?”
8th November 2015
Discipleship & Ministries Learning Network.
I have received notice of a day’s meeting at the Washingborough Methodist Church on Saturday 21st November to explore creative ideas that might be used in worship, and the use of “café church”. Although the day is aimed mainly at local preachers and worship leaders all interested people are welcome. What we need is an enthusiastic, energetic, charismatic person to lead us into ‘change’. Are you that person? I am not, but if you are – ask me and I will pass on more information about the meeting.
‘Thanks’ to Jo for representing us at this morning’s
War Memorial Service
1st November 2015
At the Council Meeting on Tuesday the 27th the Church was thanked for the Harvest gifts given to the three members in the Westcotes Home and to the Witham Lodge.
The Church expressed its thanks for the work done by Keith and the Treasurer, Secretary, Stewards and Pastoral Team.
Thursday Afternoon Quilt Group.
Mrs Jenny Savage asks me to inform you that the Quilt Group have been able to give £184 to McMillan Cancer Support by making and selling a Quilt for the charity.
Christmas Fair.
Mrs Chris South asks me to remind you that she needs articles for her “Tombola Stall” at the Fair, and, although the Fair isn’t until the 27th, she needs time to prepare and wrap the prizes.
If you are hoping to help with a stall, a ‘competition’ or in the kitchen please talk to a Steward so that plans can be finalized.
25th October 2015
Harvest Festival.
“Thanks” are due to all those who gave the produce used for the excellent display in the Church for the Sunday service and later for passing on to our home-bound members and to people in need. Also “Thanks” to the band of workers who spent their Saturday morning arranging the display. Most importantly “Thanks” to Rev Cecil Mundy for taking the service on Sunday, and particularly for his novel way of keeping us all on our toes by ignoring his ‘Order of Service’.
I quote from a lecture given by James Gray MA – “The friendliness of the members, their harmony, their attitude of sympathy and understanding, their readiness to forgive and to ask for forgiveness for acknowledged faults – these are more powerful demonstrations of the presence and power of the Lord Jesus than anything else.”
And these are characteristics of Algitha Road Church which were demonstrated over our ‘Harvest’ week-end.
In a lighter note, with “Thanks” to Neil :
How does Moses make his tea ? Hebrews it.
Neil used to be a banker. But then he lost interest.
18th October 2015
The Harvest Festival.
Our word “Harvest” is from the Old English word hærfest, meaning "Autumn". It then came to refer to the season for reaping and gathering grain and other grown products. The full moon nearest the autumnal equinox in September is called the Harvest Moon. So in ancient traditions Harvest Festivals were held on the Sunday near to the Harvest Moon. An early harvest festival used to be celebrated at the beginning of the harvest season on 1 August and was called “Lammas”, meaning “loaf Mass”. Farmers made loaves of bread from the fresh wheat crop. These were given to the local church as the Communion bread during a special service thanking God for the harvest. Much of this is not now relevant to how we celebrate our Harvest Festival. However we still need to thank God for the harvest in our own fields and in foreign fields from which we import much of our food. We should, in an industrial/commercial world thank God for productivity in all forms of human activity. We should also thank Jenny for once again baking our “Harvest Loaf”.
11th October 2015
Jim Judd.
I have just been informed that Jim’s funeral will be at 1.30pm on Thursday 15th at the Buxton Methodist Church.
Algitha Road Harvest Festival.
Our Harvest Festival Service is next Sunday, the 18th, and will be conducted by the Rev Cecil Mundy.
Harvest gifts of tins and packets can be brought to the Church during the Coffee Morning on Friday, 16th, or on Saturday morning from 10.00am when the Church will be being decorated. Some fresh vegetables, fruit and flowers are welcome – but not too many because the produce is donated to the House-bound and the Witham Lodge at some later date and fresh produce may not then be so ‘fresh’.
Please let the Stewards know if you can help with decorating the Church on Saturday morning.
Mission in Britain.
The Circuit Event at Mablethorpe at 6.00pm on Friday the 16th will consist of a meal and a talk from a representative of the Skegness Street Pastors. To cover expenses donations will be accepted.
4th October 2015
Algitha Road Harvest Festival.
Our Harvest Festival Service is on Sunday the 18th and will be conducted by the Rev Cecil Mundy.
Harvest gifts of tins and packets can be brought to the Church during the Coffee Morning on Friday, 16th, or on Saturday morning from 10.00am when the Church will be being decorated. Some fresh vegetables, fruit and flowers are welcome – but not too many because the produce is donated to the Witham Lodge at some later date and fresh produce may not then be so ‘fresh’.
The decorating has to be completed in the morning because there is to be a Baptism Service in the afternoon at 2.00 pm.
We are invited to attend the service to represent the church and to be
a ‘welcoming congregation’.
Mission in Britain.
The Circuit Event at Mablethorpe at 6.00pm on Friday the 16th will consist of a meal and a talk from a representative of the Skegness Street Pastors . The Event is FREE but Donations will be welcome.
27th September 2015
World Vision.
We have received a letter from Omondi Kevin in Kenya reporting on the progress World Vision has made in improving life for him and his family. He is very grateful for the help we give him with our sponsorship. His letter is on the World Vision board in the Church Corridor. Thank you for all your generosity. Heather.
The Equip Expo.
There is a ‘Flyer’ at the back of the Church in which “Churches Together in All Lincolnshire” invite us to the Lincolnshire Showground, Gate 1, for a “Resources Fayre (sic) from 9.30 in the morning ‘til 4 in the afternoon of Saturday 3rd October.
There will be –
“Worship Materials”, “Arts and Crafts”,
“Discipleship and Learning”, “Mission and Outreach”, and “Charities and Organisations” and Various Workshops ----
all for just £3.00 admission. For more info ring 01522 50 40 63.
20th September 2015
Please note that we have been invited to join the congregation of the Addlethorpe Chapel for their Harvest Festival Celebrations.
The details are :
Saturday 26th. 10am-12noon. Harvest Charity Coffee Morning.
Sunday 27th. 3pm. Harvest Service led by Rev Phil Greetham to be followed by Tea.
Tuesday 29th. 7pm. Sale of Harvest Festival Produce.
The Book for this Week.
In “Going to Church” by John Pritchard, Ex-Bishop of Oxford and previously Bishop of Jarrow and Archdeacon of Canterbury, he puts forward the idea of giving services “Star Ratings” with one star for pretty pathetic and five stars for a genuinely uplifting. He offers several points (hymn singing, sermon, etc.) by which to rate the service but concludes that the exercise is really meaningless as the star rating must depend on what, and how much, you contributed – because ‘worship’, in whatever form, is essentially participative.
It is not all up to the Preacher – it is up to you, me, us.
How do we at Algitha Road rate
13th September 2015
Thank You.
Our Treasurer informs me that she has received £3,220.50 from the Taxman as a result of the Gift Aided contributions to the Church. This deserves a (rare) “Thank You” to the Taxman and (more importantly) a big “Thank You” to all those kind people who do “Gift Aid” their contributions.
Book of the Week.
I’ve been reading again ! This time it is a book called “How to be a BAD Christian …. And a better human being.” It is by Dave Tomlinson, vicar of St Luke’s Church in Holloway, North London. He has been the leader of a House Church and of a church called “Holy Joe’s” which met in a Pub. He is, obviously, not the usual sort of vicar and his views are not the usual ‘dog-collared’ views, but they are wonderful, wise and perceptive. I recommend the book to anyone who wonders if there are ways of living the Christian life that are different from those practiced in Algitha Road. And, as I found out in the waiting room at the Pilgrim Hospital, if you read it in public, you will soon find someone to enter into conversation about your faith – the third person to accost me was a chap called Ian Banks. GMG.
6th September 2015
Algitha Road Church Council.
On Friday the 28th of August there was a special meeting of the Church Council. Three firms’ quotes for necessary work on the Gents and Ladies Toilets were studied and much discussion ensued. As there were some uncertainties in the quotes it was decided by the Council to give the Church Stewards authority to make a final decision after they receive clarification of doubtful points, and then negotiate on terms, costs and times for the work to be undertaken.
Barnabas Fund Petition.
We have received a Petition for our Government to work with others to provide safe, secure areas for Christians displaced by tensions in the Middle East. It is at the back of the Church so after the service you may look at it, and think about signing it.
Instructions to a School Party doing Rock Climbing for the first time :
This is not easy, it takes effort. You can do it, but you can’t do it alone. The one ahead must help the one behind, and the one behind must help the one ahead. Everyone must encourage each other to succeed. If you get stuck there’s no point in whinging about it – and don’t panic !
Possible instructions for life ?
30th August 2015
Southern Cluster Picnic.
Don’t believe everything you read in the Newsletter.
The Picnic at Wainfleet Hall is at 3.00 pm – and NOT at 3.30 as in last week’s Newsletter.
Food for Thought.
The Lectionary Reading and the Thomas à Kempis Prayer I have chosen made me think of this quotation from Stephen Grellet (1773 – 1855). “I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
Barnabas Fund Petition.
We have received a Petition for our Government to work with others to provide safe, secure areas for Christians displaced by tensions in the Middle East. It is at the back of the Church so after the service you may look at it, and think about signing it..
23rd August 2015
Dog Walkers.
We have received posters and information about “The Cinnamon Trust”. These can be seen at the back of the church, and later on our book rack in the corridor. This charity provides volunteers to walk the dogs of elderly people who can themselves no longer walk their pets. The charity knows of two residents in the Skegness area who have dogs that need walking. Volunteering is flexible and the time you devote to the pets – and their owners – is as, and when, you wish; even an hour a week could be a great help. If you are interested please read the information and/or call 01736 758707 or 01736 757900.
Methodist Homes Sunday.
Julia Gibson informs me that the total raised by the Circuit on Sunday the 14th of June for this charity was £383.10.
Barnabas Fund Petition.
We have received a Petition for our Government to work with others to provide safe, secure areas for Christians displaced by tensions in the Middle East. It is at the back of the Church so after the service you may look at it, and think about signing it..
9th August 2015
East Lindsey District Council has launched a high profile campaign with hard hitting photos and no-nonsense messages; the ‘Responsible People’ campaign aims to tackle littering, fly-tipping and dog fouling. Each year the council receives more than 2,900 requests for action in response to littering and dog fouling - problems which could be avoided if more people took responsibility for their actions.
Meanwhile, in Singapore : Litter bugs pay big time There’s a reason why the streets of Singapore are almost glistening with cleanliness. A litter law dating from 1968 means litter bugs can be fined $1,000 for the first conviction and $5,000 for repeat convictions. On top of that, you’ll be forced to do community labour. And if you offend three times, you’ll have to wear a lovely sign, which states, “I am a litter lout”.
I wonder if there’s a lesson there for us ?
2nd August 2015
Algitha Road Church Council Meeting.
The members were told of the need to improve the Church Hall toilets for all the people who hire our premises, particularly the youth camps. Estimates were described, but they were too complex for an immediate decision and a further meeting will decide when photo-copies have been studied. Julia was thanked for the work she has done on tidying “Annie’s Room”, and we wish her all the best as she takes over as ‘Property Steward’. At the end of August Neil Baxter will no longer be a Steward – though he will, thankfully, still do many other jobs, so the process was begun to appoint Josephine Stancliffe to the team. We look forward to her starting as a Steward in September. Other Stewards & Officers were re-appointed. We were glad to hear that Keith’s contract has been extended so we will not be left without Pastoral Guidance.
“Action for Children”
Julia has asked me to inform you that she was able to send a cheque for £20.00 to the charity after Linda King’s service on
Sunday the 12th. – Thank You.
26th July 2015
“Action for Children”
Julia has asked me to inform you that she was able to send a cheque for £20.00 to the charity after Linda King’s service on Sunday the 12th.
– Thank You.
The Algitha Road Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday so this is your last chance to consider becoming a Steward. If you want to know more about being a Steward talk to Neil, Julia, Anne or Albert.
Methodist Publishing.
The 2015/2016 Methodist Publishing Resources Catalogue is on the rack in the Church Corridor, but could you let Neil know this week if you wish to order next year’s “Methodist Diary” (£7.00).
19th July 2015
The next Algitha Road Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday the 28th of July, so you have plenty of time to consider becoming a Steward. If you want to know more about being a Steward talk to Neil, Julia, Anne or Albert.
Methodist Publishing.
The 2015/2016 Methodist Publishing Resources Catalogue is on the rack in the Church Corridor, but could you let Neil know by the 17th if you would like to order next year’s “Prayer Handbook” (£3.35 +/-) or by the 31st for next year’s “Methodist Diary” (£7.00).
5th July 2015
Strawberry Tea.
Don’t believe everything you read in the Newsletter –
the Tea is at half past three on Thursday the 9th.
The next Algitha Road Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday the 28th of July, so you have plenty of time to consider becoming a Steward. If you want to know more about being a Steward talk to Neil, Julia, Anne or Albert.
Methodist Publishing.
The 2015/2016 Methodist Publishing Resources Catalogue is on the rack in the Church Corridor, but could you let Neil know by the 17th if you would like to order next year’s “Prayer Handbook” (£3.35 +/-) or by the 31st for next year’s “Methodist Diary” (£7.00).
We must express our sincere thanks to Mrs Jenny Savage for her excellent work on improving our Communion Table Cloth.
28th June 2015
Thank You.
The Circuit wishes to say “Thank You” to all who contributed the total of £1029.10 to the 2015 Easter Offering.
Strawberry Tea.
At three o’clock on the 9th of July there will be a Strawberry Tea at Algitha Road. I am told that it will be great ‘fun’ and well worth the £3.50 that Anne and Sue will take for your ticket.
The next Algitha Road Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday the 28th of July, so you have plenty of time to consider becoming a Steward. If you want to know more about being a Steward talk to Neil, Julia, Anne or Albert.
Methodist Publishing.
The 2015/2016 Methodist Publishing Resources Catalogue is on the rack in the Church Corridor where it can be referred to by anyone interested in buying books, cards, CDs or DVDs.
Meanwhile could you let Neil know if you would like to order next year’s “Prayer Handbook” (£3.35 +/-) or next year’s “Methodist Diary” (£7.00).
21st June 2015
The next Algitha Road Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday the 28th of July, so you have plenty of time to consider becoming a Steward. If you want to know more about being a Steward talk to Neil, Julia or Anne.
Methodist Publishing.
The 2015/2016 Methodist Publishing Resources Catalogue is on the rack in the Church Corridor where it can be referred to by anyone interested in buying books, cards, CDs or DVDs.
14th June 2015
At the next Algitha Road Church Council Meeting on Tuesday the 28th there will be many matters to discuss but none of them will be more important than the subject of our Church Stewards. We ask too much of the Stewards we have and they need help in the form of a larger work-force. Would two or three of you feel guided to provide that help ?
Past Cases Review.
An apology for abuse in some of the reviewed past cases has been issued by the Methodist Church and commented on by the Media. I have a copy of the General Secretary’s Statement which you can read if you are interested. GMG.
7th June 2015
Tuesday, July 28th is the next Algitha Road Church Council and it is imperative that new Stewards are elected / appointed at that meeting.
Please prayerfully consider if one of them could be you ?
21st Century Standards.
Our communications – Wireless.
Our cooking – Fireless.
Our phones – Cordless. Our food – Fatless.
Our sweets – Sugarless. Our labour – Effortless.
Our relations – Fruitless. Our attitude – Careless.
Our feelings – Heartless. Our politics – Shameless.
Our education – Worthless. Our mistakes – Countless.
Our arguments – Baseless. Our youth – Jobless.
Our jobs – Thankless. Our needs – Endless.
Our situation – Hopeless. Our income – Less & less.
True for some people but not all – how about you ?
Are you a 21st century person ?
31st May 2015
Tuesday 2nd June
Mr Jim Judd
100 Today
And Best wishes from all your friends.
24th May 2015
In preparation for next Sunday’s Communion Service –
a passage from “Fun in the Bush”.
We held a weekly celebration of the Eucharist, and on this occasion we had one of our colleagues preaching the sermon. I was seated behind the Lord’s Table, and during the sermon I notice ants on the Communion Table. I actually saw them in a line taking chunks of Communion bread away down one of the table legs ! I was unable to do anything about it until the sermon was over and we started singing the Communion hymn. I partially removed the linen cloth which was over the flagon, the chalice and the platen and started getting rid of the ants. The bread was black with them. I succeeded before the end of the hymn, but as the Communion bread was being distributed I saw to my horror ants coming out of the spout of the wine flagon ! I killed them as they came out and fortunately there were very few left by the time I had to bless and pour the wine.
A problem we are unlikely to have at Algitha Road.
17th May 2015
I’ve given you Thomas à Kempis and Aristotle, now for something lighter – children’s jokes provided by Neil.
The total is when you add up all the numbers and a remainder is an animal that pulls Santa on his slay.
In Scandinavia, the Danish people come from Denmark, the Norwegians come from Norway and the Lapdancers come from Lapland.
I asked my Mum why we said old men at the end of prayers at skool, I don’t know any old men apart from grandpa.
In geography we learned that countries with sea round them are islands and ones without sea are incontinents.
10th May 2015
With Gift Day Last Friday and Christian Aid Week starting let us hear what Aristotle in the 4th Century BC had to say about “giving”.
The good man thinks it more blessed to give than to receive, and virtue is more clearly shown in the performance of fine actions than in the non-performance of base ones. Since good deeds are morally fine and are inspired by a fine motive, it follows that the liberal man will have a fine object in his giving. And he will give in the right way, which means giving to the right persons to the right amount at the right time, and fulfilling all the other requirements of right giving. And he will have pleasure, or at least no pain, in giving thus. For a really good action should give us pleasure.
3rd May 2015
Having missed Church Council and been away for a week
I have no current News; so here is a thought from c.1420 as Thomas à Kempis talks to God.
“I offer up also unto Thee my Sacramental prayers and intercessions, for those especially who have in any matter hurt, grieved, or found fault with me, or who have done me any damage or displeasure.
For all those also, whom at any time I may have vexed, troubled burdened, and scandalized, by words or deeds, knowingly or in ignorance; that Thou wouldst grant us all equally pardon for our sins, and for our offences against each other.
Take away from our hearts, O Lord, all suspiciousness, indignation, wrath, and contention, and whatsoever may hurt charity, and lessen brotherly love.
Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on those that crave Thy mercy, give grace unto them that stand in need thereof, and make us such as that we may be worthy to enjoy Thy grace, and go forward to life eternal.”
19th April 2015
From an Address given by James Gray M.A. to the Edinburgh World Convention in 1960. (Amended by GMG.)
“ In every kind of community life, from the primitive tribe to today’s civilization, social pressures mould the habits, activities and morals of individuals. But we live at a time when science has provided unparalleled power and range for the application of social pressures. I refer to the print media, cinema, radio, television and the mobile/smart phone. We are all subject to such pressures, and often yield to them unconsciously, and so are being moulded by a society far from Christian in its allegiance. We can only discriminate between the true and the false, the good and the evil, if we constantly expose ourselves to the influence of Christ Jesus our Lord”.
12th April 2015
From one Newspaper on Easter Monday :
“Palestinians flee as fighting rages at refugee camp.” (Syria)
“Citizens caught in the cross-fire of an unwanted war.” (Yemen)
“Kenyans pray for university-attack victims.” (148 – mainly Christian)
“Christians are being slaughtered in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, East
Africa and North Korea …. Church divisions about sexuality and
gender fade into irrelevance.” (Editorial)
“We live in a new era of Christian martyrs.” (Most Rev J. Welby)
“Christians should get more involved in politics.” (Dr J. Sentamu)
“ An end to the absurd bloodshed and acts of violence.” (The Pope)
“Tories and Labour play the fear factor.” (British Elections)
“Italian Navy rescued about 1,500 migrants aboard five boats in the
Southern Mediterranean in 24 hours.”
“Lubitz is believed to have deliberately steered the plane into a mountain
in the French Alps.” (Killing 150 people)
It appears that the world needs the redemptive, risen power of Christ as much now as it ever did.
Flowers – We need to have a “Flower Fund” to cover the Church Flowers for Sundays such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Mavis had enough in the fund for this Easter’s excellent display but could always use some extra, small, contributions for future occasions.
5th April 2015
Have a “Happy Easter”.
Songs of Praise for Easter Day 6pm at Burgh le Marsh Methodist Church
with the Withern Singers
Flowers – The Church Flowers for Sundays such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas are not always obtained by a named individual and we need to have a “Flower Fund” to cover these special occasions. Mavis has enough in the fund for this Easter but could always use some extra, small, contributions for future occasions.
29th March 2015
On Saturday the 14th the cyclone Pam struck the islands of Vanuatu. The island President has described how most of the population have been made homeless and have lost their means of earning a living.
Chloe Morrison, a World Vision officer, reported that entire villages have been destroyed in more remote parts of the country.
The Governments of Australia, New Zealand, France, the EU and the UK have offered aid – so should individual citizens.
We have an opportunity to help as we contribute to a “Retiring Collection” for Vanuatu after our service today.
Circuit News. We are asked to submit any article/item for the next Circuit Newsletter to Julia Gibson by the end of this month. The theme of the Newsletter will be “Radical Hospitality”. If you are interested contact Julia, or ask me for further information. (GMG)
22nd March 2015
On Saturday the 14th the cyclone Pam struck the islands of Vanuatu. The island President has described how most of the population have been made homeless and have lost their means of earning a living.
Chloe Morrison, a World Vision officer, reported that entire villages have been destroyed in more remote parts of the country.
The Governments of Australia, New Zealand, France, the EU and the UK have offered aid – so should individual citizens.
Last Sunday’s service told of our Mother’s love for us, of God’s love for us, and of how we should spread that love to others.
We have an opportunity to help as we contribute to a “Retiring Collection” for Vanuatu after our service today and next Sunday.
Circuit News. We are asked to submit any article/item for the next Circuit Newsletter to Julia Gibson by the end of this month. The theme of the Newsletter will be “Radical Hospitality”. If you are interested contact Julia, or ask me for further information. (GMG)
15th March 2015
“Mothering Sunday” is the 4th Sunday of Lent. Nowadays it is when children give their mothers flowers, presents and cards, preferably ones they have made, but too often ones adding to the profits of card shops. Originally it was the Sunday when children and young people working as labourers or servants away from their village homes were given permission to return to their homes so as to worship at their “Mother Church” – the church in which they had been baptised. As they walked home through country lanes they might pick wild flowers to take to decorate the mother church, or to give to their biological mothers. As the day is in Lent there was an exception made to the expected fasting, allowing the family to ‘feast’ on a special Mother’s Day Cake – the Simnel Cake. A light fruit cake covered with marzipan and with a layer of marzipan baked in the cake. It was often decorated with eleven marzipan balls representing the disciples, and sometimes with a twelfth ball for Christ.
(( Isn’t the Internet wonderful, and it might be correct ! GMG. ))
8th March 2015
News from China. I have received a “Bible Society” Leaflet which I can summarize as follows:
In China 20,000 new Christians are baptized each week.
There are not enough Bibles in China to give one to all these new converts and the cost of a Bible is much too high for the desperately poor people. The Bible Society has permission to print Bibles, they have the printing presses ready, but they do not have enough paper. 80 pence will buy paper for one Bible, a donation of £10 could give twelve people a new Bible.
If you would like to help you could give a donation to a Steward or to me (Michael) and we will forward it as a Church Donation. If you would prefer to do your own thing the address for donations is :
Bible Society, Freepost RTKK-GREU-BHSB, Stonehill Green, Westlea, SWINDON, SN5 7DG. N.B. If you send your own money and you are a Tax Payer you could “Gift Aid” the donation.
If you would like more information ask me for a look at the Leaflet.
1st March 2015
More from the Algitha Road Church Council Meeting.
As a report from the Pastoral Team was being presented at the meeting it became clear that there were people who were not aware of the personnel or actions of the Team. The Team consists of Lois Wright, Mary Lower, Marjorie Turner, Jenny Savage and Heather Gray. They maintain the Membership List and keep in touch with members by talking to them at services and visiting or telephoning them. At Christmas, Easter and Harvest cards or Harvest Gifts are sent to those who cannot attend services. If you know anyone who should be contacted please let the Pastoral Team or a Steward know.
In view of the Media interest in the Anglican Church’s views on Living Wage v Minimum Wage I offer for your consideration the following question from a Methodist exam sat by a 15 year old girl in 1927 :
Q3. Jesus said, “The workman deserves his wages.” How much, then, does the worker need as his
wages ? And why are so many workers compelled to live below the “poverty line ?
22nd February 2015
Food for Thought,
At the Algitha Road Bible Study last Tuesday we considered some questions about our lives and the life of the church; and I offer them here for anyone to think about.
How far are we affected by the spirit of the age ?…. Keeping up with the Jones’s, wearing fashionable clothes, earning more money, and seeking authority and recognition in the Church.
In what ways has the church served the community through history; and now, here, in Skegness ?
What could we do to make us, and our church, more relevant to the people and town of Skegness ?
15th February 2015
Circuit Local Preachers’ Meeting.
At a recent meeting of the Local Preachers and Circuit Leadership Team the following was discussed for future Preaching Plans :
“There was a request for LPs to be planned at their home church once a quarter and that churches should have communion at least once a month.”
I think most of us, who are not LPs, could support that.
Algitha Road Church Council.
Some of the constant topics were discussed such as the drainage of the Car Park and the state of the Ladies Toilets and quotes will be sought. Reports were given from Circuit and Cluster meetings. One topic that needs our serious consideration is that Algitha Road Church needs more Stewards. It is unfair to ask a Local Preacher to do more ‘stewarding’ and less ‘preaching’ but if we do not get another steward, or two, there is no getting away from this unfortunate position.
8th February 2015
“Thanks”. Kath Riding asks me to pass on her “Thanks” to you all for your concerns, cards and prayers.
An Opportunity not to be missed ! Neil is offering to give some Hewlett Packard Printer inks to anyone who can make use of them – your appreciation of this gift could be shown by a donation to Church Funds.
Children write to God about Love and Marriage :
Dear God, I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church.
Is that O,K, ? Neil.
Dear God, the people in the next apartment fight real loud all the time. You should only let very good friends get married. Nancy.
Dear God, I want to get married but no-one will do it with me yet.
Why isn’t Mrs God’s name in the bible ? Weren’t you married to her when you wrote it ? Larry.
Dear God, can you marry food ? Martha.
1st February 2015
On this “Education Sunday” I offer a prayer from the BBC “New Every Morning” service book published in 1936.
O God, the only source of truth, direct with thy wisdom the work of education in all lands. Give to teachers the spirit of understanding, and the wisdom to unite old traditions with new knowledge. Especially we pray for those who are disheartened by the conditions of their work and are losing their courage and vocation, that thou wilt refresh and sustain them. Above all give them that grace and beauty of life without which knowledge is vain, and that faith in thee which makes men humble seekers of truth throughout their days. We ask it as disciples of Jesus Christ.
An Opportunity not to be missed ! Neil is offering to give some Hewlett Packard Printer inks to anyone who can make use of them – your appreciation of this gift could be shown by a donation to Church Funds.
25th January 2015
Edited message from Lyn Bignell.
“I took on the role of District Commissioner for Alford District Guides and have just completed my first term. It has been great going out to meet the units I look after in the area of Mablethorpe. I have some amazing Leaders who give up their time to work with the girls. However you can never have too many Leaders so if you would like to come and help these amazing girls and their Leaders please contact me on 01507 339021 or visit www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested
Many thanks Lyn Bignell” DC for Alford District Guides.
18th January 2015
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The Prayers in the different Churches are shown in the “Diary for the Week”.
Action for Children.
Julia informs me that the Christmas collections for the Action for Children Charity are as follows :
£ 44-70. From “Network”.
£ 45-00. From the Christmas Card Board in the Hall.
£ 50-00. From the Offertories at the Christmas Eve and
Christmas Morning services.
£139-70. Has been sent and Julia says “Thank You” to all who contributed.
From a Statement by Rev Bruce Thompson.
The assault on the offices of “Charlie Hebdo” was barbaric. There is no justification for such violence and it has been condemned by people of all faiths and none. Our prayers are with all those affected by the killings. As we remember 1 John 4:18 – “perfect love drives out fear” – may our hearts be filled with love for all God’s children.
11th January 2015
The Flower Rota dates have been filled – Thank You.
I’ve been reading – again !!
A book that I have been reading suggests that we should mark the beginning of a new, covenanted year by thinking about what kind of church member we are.
Are we like St Peter and so prefer the structured services and the Christian Year with its set annual festivals – do we like to “know where we are”.
Are we like St Paul. Thinking deeply about our theology and its application, not liking anything too ‘fluffy’ or over-emotional; sometimes a bit critical of those who do not see things as we do.
Could we be like St John ? Reflecting, meditating, praying – happy alone and in silence like Julian of Norwich.
Or could we be like St Francis ? Passionately concerned for the needs of the creation, the people, the animals and the environments, and determined to do something for them all.
Or are we a bit of all four ? Never, I hope, a bit like Judas.
4th January 2015
Skegness and District Dementia Support Group
As from January the 1st, 2015, the local Alzheimer’s Society will become the Skegness and District Dementia Support Group. They will continue to meet once a month at Algitha Road Methodist Church Hall as they do now.
Your local contact is Jill Connoy on 01754 811958.
Church Flowers.
Mrs Margot Hill has asked to be removed from the Flower Rota so there will be some dates to be filled. We thank her for all the work she has done in the past and wish her a happy “retirement”.
The dates to fill for 2015 are January 25th and March 29th.
On a road-side billboard by a Church – “Honk if you Love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet him.”
On a Church Notice-board protruding from a deep snowdrift –
“Whoever is praying for snow – Please Stop It !”
On a Church Notice board – “You are not too bad to come in –
you are not too good to stay out.”