31st December 2017
We all know how the Scots celebrate New Year, but what do other people do?
“Google” suggests the following :
In Denmark they save their unused dishes and plates until the 31st of December when they shatter them against the doors of their friends and family.
In Spain, the New Year’s tradition for good luck revolves around grapes. If you can manage to stuff 12 grapes in your mouth at midnight you’ve achieved good luck for the next year.
In some South American countries wearing coloured underwear will determine your fate for the new year. Red underwear means you’ll find love. Gold means wealth, and white signifies peace.
In Switzerland they celebrate the New Year by dropping ice cream on the floor.
In France they keep things simple and delicious. Every new year they consume a stack of pancakes.
I like Spain and France !
I would like to say “Thank You” for the support you gave Kath Riding and her ‘Raffle Stall’ at the Christmas Lunch.
24th December 2017
“Happy Christmas” To All Our Readers.
I am asked to say a heartfelt “thank you” to all the Cooks, Servers and Helpers who provided the Christmas Lunch on Friday the 15th, but most of all to the people who supported, and enjoyed, the meal and who contributed to the £278 that the meal made.
17th December 2017
Please note the times for these special services.
Originally the word ‘carol’ meant a pagan dance and applied to dances at many times of the year. Carols commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, were purportedly first written in Latin in the 4th and 5th centuries, but they didn't become associated with Christmas until the 13th century. Saint Francis of Assisi is often credited with incorporating upbeat Latin hymns into Christmas services where energetic, joyful carols were sung in sharp contrast to the sombre Christmas music of the day. Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas celebrations in England as he believed Christmas should be a serious holiday and celebrated accordingly. Carolling did not experience a surge in popularity until the 19th century, when the joyful hymns were well-received in the Victorian Era.
10th December 2017
What do we expect ?
You might have seen this in the Winter edition of Link, but in case you missed it here is a précis of what Lynda King wrote:
“What do we expect on a Sunday Morning? Do we look forward to fellowship with our friends, a good sing, a time of worship, a Bible reading, a challenging or interesting talk? Hopefully, we would expect all these at least – but do they always happen?” Fellowship with friends is good – but don’t ignore strangers. We don’t all have good singing voices – but we can read the words. If we have the ‘Plan’ we might be able to prepare by looking at the Lectionary readings, ready to hear the preacher’s discourse to his/her congregation – not audience, we are part of the worship taking place
3rd December 2017
Father “Neil” Christmas asks for this message to be published –– “'Thank you to all who supported our Christmas Fair – in the kitchen, on the stalls and by spending money. It was a super atmosphere and raised over £340 for church funds.” Mrs Kath Riding and Mrs Chris South want me to say “Thank You” for all the objects donated for their stalls and for the tickets purchased.
26th November 2017
As in previous years, there will be a board in the Community Hall upon which you may put Christmas Cards to all your church friends and if you wish, in lieu of the cost of cards and postage, make a donation via the Church Treasurer towards a charity which Church Council will determine shortly.
The History of Christmas Cards.
The first Christmas cards were commissioned by Sir Henry Cole and illustrated by John Callcott Horsley in London on 1 May 1843. The central picture showed three generations of a family raising a toast to the card's recipient: on either side were scenes of charity, with food and clothing being given to the poor. Allegedly the image of the family drinking wine together proved controversial. Two batches totaling 2,050 cards were printed and sold that year for a shilling each. Early English cards rarely showed winter or religious themes, instead favouring flowers, fairies and other fanciful designs that reminded the recipient of the approach of spring. Humorous and sentimental images of children and animals were popular.
19th November 2017
Chris and Kath ask me to pass on their “Thanks” for all you have given for their stalls at our Christmas Fair and this is the last week-end for giving anything you may still have. The Fair starts at 10.00am on Friday
Carol service at Seathorne on December 10th at 6.00pm.
Please try to attend as this is a lovely opportunity to engage with the community and look to the future. The community have requested this service so I believe God is wanting a new start in Winthorpe. Keith.
Daily Bible Reading.
If you would like some help and guidance with reading the Bible each day, why not try” “Fresh from the Word” published annually by the International Bible Reading Association at a cost of £10. It contains a bible reading, a commentary and prayer.. An order will be placed in the next week or so and if you would like a copy please tell Anne May, or one of the Stewards.
Are we the 51st State ?
(A Personal, and biased, view. GMG )
We have had the Halloween ‘Trick or Treat’ fiasco and now the TV is advertising “Black Friday”, the day after “Thanksgiving” on Thursday and Friday this week. As not one of these is a British ceremony why do we fall for it ? Could it be that shops make a lot of money from those who believe that “if it’s American it must be good”, an obviously mistaken idea.
12th November 2017
We Will Remember Them.
I hate that drum’s discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless youth it pleasure yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
To sell their liberty for charms of tawdry lace, and glittering arms;
And when ambition’s voice commands,
To march, and fight, and fall, in foreign lands.
I hate that drum’s discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To me it talks of ravaged plains, and burning towns, and ruined swains,
And mangled limbs, and dying groans,
And widow’s tears, and orphan’s moans;
And all that misery’s hand bestows, to fill the catalogue of human woes.
Community Food Bank – Please bring what you can, when you can – and use the boxes in the Church entrance, or in the Hall on Fridays. The boxes contain lists of wanted items, but all gifts are welcome, particularly as we approach Christmas, and for those who have contributed – “Thank You” and keep up the good work – unfortunately gifts are still needed.
CC&SP. Christmas Carols & Songs Project. The Discipleship & Ministries Learning Network are undertaking this project during December. They are inviting people to choose their favourite Carol, Christmas Song, or piece of Festive Music and to briefly say why it matters to them. The idea is to reflect together on the coming of Jesus and to have a chance to say how the music chosen fits in with faith and life as a disciple. The music and comments can then be used daily on social media. If you are interested see Michael Gray for details.
DBR. Daily Bible Reading. If you would like some help and guidance with reading the Bible each day, why not try” “Fresh from the Word” published annually by the International Bible Reading Association at a cost of £10. It contains a daily bible reading, a commentary on it, a prayer and suggestions for further thought. An order will be placed in the next couple of weeks and if you would like a copy please tell Anne May, or one of the Stewards, so that you can be added to the list.
5th November 2017
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain.
Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes was arrested while guarding explosives placed beneath the House of Lords. Celebrating the fact that King James I had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London, and months later the introduction of the Observance of 5th November Act enforced an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure. Within a few decades Gunpowder Treason Day, as it was known, became the predominant English state commemoration, but as it carried strong Protestant religious overtones it also became a focus for anti-Catholic sentiment. Puritans delivered sermons regarding the perceived dangers of popery while common folk burnt effigies of popular hate-figures, such as the pope. Towards the end of the 18th century reports appear of children begging for money with effigies of Guy Fawkes and 5 November gradually became known as Guy Fawkes Day. In the 1850s changing attitudes resulted in the toning down of much of the day's anti-Catholic rhetoric. Eventually the religious violence was dealt with, and by the 20th century Guy Fawkes Day had become an enjoyable social occasion. The present-day Guy Fawkes Night is usually celebrated at large organised events, centred on a bonfire and extravagant firework displays.
29th October 2017
Information for All:
In response to our President Rev Lorraine's request for a time of prayer the Southern Cluster meeting decided to hold a prayer hour on Tuesday the 31st October at 10 o'clock at Skegness.
This is a time to pray for the Stationing process and that God will call the right Superintendent to our circuit. We should also pray for our communities and for God's guidance in our lives. We encourage people to come along, but people can pray in their homes or in ‘house groups’ at the same time if they are unable to attend.
November 24th. Algitha Road Christmas Fair.
I am asked to remind you that ‘objects’ are needed for Chris’s Tombola and Kath’s Raffle stalls. The ‘objects’ may be things made of gold, silver, copper, iron, steel, wood, glass, or plastic, but not ivory or rhino-horn. They may be knitted, stitched, painted or carved. They may be bottles or boxes containing ‘who knows what’, but not alcohol. They may be anything else that I’ve forgotten but that you know could be used on these stalls. I look forward to hearing from the ladies that they have a multiplicity of ‘objects’.
22nd October 2017
Celebration at Withern.
At 3.00pm on Sunday the 29th there is to be a Service Celebrating the work of our Local Preachers and particularly the 50 years of service to our Circuit given by Mr Eric Leigh. All are welcome.
November 24th. Algitha Road Christmas Fair.
I now have the details for the Raffle Stall -- objects to raffle can be given to Mrs Kath Riding, who will gladly receive them and answer any queries you may have.
If you like to plan ahead the Lincolnshire Methodist District is to organize a trip to Austria and the Oberammergau Passion Play leaving on 22nd of August 2020 which will last 9 days and cost £1349. If interested contact Rev Eleanor Smith on 01507 525 195.
15th October 2017
Having no local / contemporary News I decided to look up “Saints”.
Today’s Saint is Theresa of Avila about whom there is a wealth of information – so much that I could not edit it down to this space; so I’m writing about next Sunday’s Saints. The Oxford Dictionary of Saints gives two for the 22nd –Saints Mellon and Donatus. Who was St Mellon? He was born in 229AD in Cardiff, was converted to Christianity by Pope Stephen, ordained priest and Bishop by the Pope and sent to be the first Bishop of Rouen. There he performed many miracles including an exorcism where he cast out devils in their true form –that is as monkeys!! Donatus was born in Ireland towards the end of the eighth century. There is good reason to believe that he was educated in the school of a little island now known as Holy Island. Here he studied with great industry and success. He became a priest, and in course of time a bishop. According to tradition, he was led by Divine Providence to the cathedral of Fiesole, which he entered at the moment when the people were grouped around their altars praying for a bishop. When he entered, the bells spontaneously began ringing and the candles lit. The people believed God meant this stranger to be their bishop. Raised by popular acclaim to the See of Fiesole, Donatus instituted a revival of piety and learning in the year 824.
November 24th. Algitha Road Christmas Fair.
The Christmas Fair will have the expected Soup and Rolls for a light Lunch and the usual stalls. Chris South expects to have her excellent Tombola Stall and asks for ‘gifts’ to be given to her as soon as possible so that she can prepare them for the stall. A Raffle Stall will probably need objects to raffle but I do not have a name for your questions or donations.
8th October 2017
Were you once young ?
If you were, and lived locally, you might have been a member of the Methodist Youth Group under Mr Tom Hill who is taking our service next Sunday. I know that Neil, Jenny and Judith were members but there could be others still living in the Skegness area and Tom would like you all to come to his service; and/or to the buffet after the service when memories, and tall tales, can be exchanged. There might be people who do not read this Newsletter so if you know anyone who could be interested please pass this invitation on to them.
Were you once fit ?
Amanda Riding still is and has completed her 35 mile sponsored cycle ride – Congratulations! Well Done! Whoopee!
( All you have to do is have your Sponsor money ready.)
Thought for the day.
Drive carefully, it’s not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.
1st October 2017
I’ve been reading again! This time it is a book by Donald Soper published in 1934, a time of Depression, Communism and Fascism. Not like now with Austerity, Chauvinism and Xenophobia. Soper quotes Chesterton in stressing as an important truth that all serious questions have to do with philosophy rather than logic, to the strategy of life rather than to the tactics of the hour. From this Soper argues that all questions are religious questions if we accept the definition that religion is an attitude to life as a whole, so political and economic questions are, in fact, religious. Can an idea from 1934 be valid in 2017 ?
Musical Ministry Evening.
Lieutenant Colonels Peter & Sylvisa Dalziels of the Salvation Army will present an evening of Music and Ministry commencing at 7.00 pm on Saturday the 7th of October at Sutton on Sea Methodist Chapel.
24th September 2017
Harvest Festival.
Your attention is drawn to the coming Harvest Festival week-end.
Friday 29th. Your gifts, flowers, etc. may be brought to church during Coffee Morning time.
Saturday 30th. From 10 o’clock there will be people decorating the Church who will be glad for any help you can give.
Sunday 1st. The Harvest Festival Service led by Rev D. Fidler will be followed by a “Faith Lunch”.
Harvest celebrations pre-date Christianity, but it has always been seen as a very spiritual time to give thanks for the year’s crop. Symbolic corn dolls, made out of the last sheath of the harvest, were placed on banquet tables when parishes had their huge feasts. The doll was then kept until the spring to ensure the continuation of a good crop next year. This custom began with Saxon farmers, who believed the last sheath contained the spirit of the corn. They would sacrifice this corn along with a hare – normally one hiding in the crop - although later there was no sacrifice and model hares were made out of straw instead. This then led to the making of corn dolls, which were hung up in farmhouses, and which were supposed to represent the goddess of the grain.
17th September 2017
Choral Chamber Choir
A new Choral Chamber Choir is being launched in Skegness.
Rehearsals are on Fridays from 1.30pm -2.30pm, £5 per person. Initially we are rehearsing at the Piano Academy, Lincoln Road.
The sessions are to be led by Ainjiel Shaolee Clark who is a trained classical singer, pianist and cellist. Ainjiel has lots of experience of performing with classical choral choirs and she is very excited to be launching this activity in Skegness.
If you require any further information contact April Chapman on april@pianoacademy.org.uk
Having been asked to draw your attention to Rev Phil’s Talk/Reflection on “Sabbatical” I thought I ought to find out what he will be talking about. The OED says it is the “seventh year in which an Israelite must release his debtors and slaves” (Deuteron; 15 : 12). The Chambers Concise Dictionary says it is a “period of leave from one’s work especially to undertake a project related to that work”. The Little Oxford Dictionary says “a year of absence from duty for purposes of study and travel.” I don’t think Rev Phil will be releasing his slaves but the other definitions suggest an interesting evening.
10th September 2017
Next Sunday – the 17th. There is to be a “Battle of Britain Service” here at Algitha Road, starting at 4 o’clock.
Two Air Training Squadrons will be in attendance and the service will be led by their Padre
– Keith Locke.
It is also the Saint’s Day for Saint Hildegard of Bingen.
Abbess, artist, author, composer, mystic, pharmacist, poet, preacher, theologian—where to begin describing this remarkable woman?
Born into a noble family, she was instructed for ten years by the Blessed Jutta. When Hildegard was 18, she became a Benedictine nun. Ordered by her confessor to write down the visions that she had received, Hildegard took ten years to write Know the Ways. Pope Eugene III read it and in 1147 encouraged her to continue writing. Her Book of the Merits of Life and Book of Divine Works followed. She wrote a morality play and over 300 letters to people who sought her advice; she also composed music and short works on medicine and physiology, and sought advice from contemporaries such as Saint Bernard. Like all mystics, she saw the harmony of God’s creation and the place of women and men in it. During his papacy, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Let us always invoke the Holy Spirit, so that he may inspire in the Church holy and courageous women like Saint Hildegard who, developing the gifts they have received from God, make their own special and valuable contribution to the spiritual development of our communities and of the Church in our time.”
3rd September 2017
Moses in the Abrahamic Religions.
Judaism. Most of what is known about Moses from the Bible comes from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The majority of scholars consider the compilation of these books to go back to the Persian period but based on earlier written and oral traditions. There is a wealth of stories and additional information about Moses in the Jewish apocrypha and in the genre of rabbinical exegesis known as Midrash, as well as in the primary works of the Jewish oral law, the Mishnah and the Talmud.
Christianity. Moses is mentioned more often in the New Testament than any other Old Testament figure. For Christians, Moses is often a symbol of God's law, as reinforced and expounded on in the teachings of Jesus. New Testament writers often compared Jesus's words and deeds with Moses's to explain Jesus's mission. His relevance to modern Christianity has not diminished. Moses is considered to be a saint by several churches; and is commemorated as a prophet on September 4th in the Calendars of Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Roman Catholic Church.
Islam. Moses is mentioned more in the Quran than any other individual and his life is narrated and recounted more than that of any other Islamic prophet. In general, Moses is described in ways which parallel the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and "his character exhibits some of the main themes of Islamic theology," including the "moral injunction that we are to submit ourselves to God”.
6th August 2017
Thought for the Month – from Thomas à Kempis.
“For with God it is impossible that anything, how small soever, if only it be suffered for God’s sake, should pass without its reward. Be thou therefore prepared for the fight, if thou wilt have the victory.”
30th July 2017
Britain’s first ‘Tourists’ were Pilgrims. Whether it was overseas to Santiago de Compostela, or in Britain to Lindisfarne – a religious pilgrimage offered a break from an everyday routine, and the opportunity to see somewhere new. And, like today’s tourists, medieval pilgrims liked to bring home souvenirs. From about 1600 to 1800 no young gentleman’s education was truly complete until he had been on the Grand Tour. He would travel around Europe viewing Classical and Renaissance art and architecture. For many, it was a chance to sow their wild oats and indulge in a huge shopping expedition. The real growth in tourism began when railways made travel cheaper. The initial beneficiaries of cheaper transport were the middle classes. Yet, by the last quarter of the 19th century, the tradition of the British working-class holiday was firmly established, especially to seaside resorts such as Skegness which was now within easy reach of industrial cities.
23rd July 2017
What Do Benevolent Funds Do ?
The Army Benevolent Fund is the Soldiers’ Charity which gives a lifetime of support to soldiers and veterans from the British Army, and their immediate families, when they are in need. They take pride in being responsive, and making a difference at a critical point in peoples’ lives. The Incorporated Association of Organists Benevolent Fund (IAOBF) exists to help organists and their dependents when they are in need. Most will have given voluntary or virtually unpaid service to churches for many years and may need help in retirement.
Our Church Benevolent Fund allows our Minister, Keith, to be in a position to offer financial help to anyone he deems to be in need; and to do so without having to discuss the person’s predicament with any other person, or ‘committee, unless he chooses to ask for further advice.
16th July 2017
Algitha Road Chapel Anniversary.
(Information from our Church Web Page.)
Our foundation stone-laying ceremony was held on December 15th 1881. A special train was run from Wainfleet. The Wesleyan Methodist Church and St. Matthew's Church were the first buildings constructed north of Lumley Road. In 1881 Skegness' resident population was 1,558. The great opening day of the new Wesleyan Church was Thursday July 13th 1882. Such was the importance of the event that special trains with cheap fares were run from Lincoln, Horncastle, Spilsby, Boston, Spalding and Peterborough. The Rev. Peter Mackenzie preached the first sermon at the dedicatory service in the afternoon and lectured in the evening on Queen Esther, an admission fee of one shilling being charged for this lecture. One shilling per person was also the cost of a ticket for the Public Tea provided in the School Room at 4.30 p.m.
Please remember to continue contributing to the Storehouse Food Bank Boxes and the Parkinson’s UK Used Stamp collection Box in Church and the Hall at Services and Coffee Mornings.
9th July 2017
Action for Children
When Methodist minister Thomas Bowman Stephenson saw children living rough under the arches of Waterloo station in London in 1869, he decided he had to act. And his first action was to listen. He paid children the respect of hearing their stories, before working out the most practical way to help. A century and a half later, the spirit of the founder remains the charity’s inspiration. They take action on behalf of 390,000 children, young people, parents and carers across the UK. Their mission is to do what’s right, do what’s needed, and do what works for children. Actions which cost some £160 million a year, and employ about 3.5 thousand employees
2nd July 2017
From an Address by James Gray M.A. to the World Convention of the Churches of Christ in Edinburgh in 1960.
“In the ordering of the services of the sanctuary we expect the Lordship of Christ to be apparent; and the care given to the ministry of worship and preaching can wonderfully assist in exalting Him worthily. It is equally important that His Lordship should be expressed in the unity and fellowship of the members of the Church in all their relationships. If the Church is to make an effective witness to non-Christians and to draw them into the circle of Christ’s disciples it is not only the preaching and worship that count. The friendliness of the members, their harmony, their attitude of sympathy and understanding, their readiness to forgive and to ask forgiveness for acknowledged faults – these are more powerful demonstrations of the presence and power of the Lord Jesus than anything else.”
25th June 2017
Annual Conference.
The central governing body of the Connexion is the Methodist Conference which meets in June each year in a different part of the country. It represents both ministers and lay people, and determines church policy. It is held in three sessions, for the presbyterate, the diaconate and a representative session including lay representatives. The Methodist Conference is the formal authority on all matters of belief and practice. Proposals for a change or development of Methodist teaching about personal, social or public Christian ethics can be initiated:
1. By any two representatives to the annual Conference proposing a resolution at the Conference itself;
2. By local groupings of churches proposing a resolution to the Conference.
3. By a resolution to Conference from the Methodist Council (a smaller representative body which meets four
times a year between Conferences).
If, by methods 1 and 2 above, the proposed change or development is significant, the Conference will usually direct the Methodist Council to look into the issues and to present a report at a subsequent Conference.
18th June 2017
Refugee Facts and Figures
We’re all familiar with the scare stories about asylum seekers ‘flooding’ the UK. But how do these tales of mass invasion stand up against the statistical data? How many people in the UK are asylum seekers? There are an estimated 60 million people throughout the world who have been forced to flee their homes. The numbers of protracted conflicts have increased. This has created more than 15 million refugees worldwide - but developing countries host over 80 per cent of people. There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). Two years ago the UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents). This was much less than Germany (431,000), Sweden (163,000), and Hungary (163,000).
11th June 2017
Parkinson’s UK used stamp collection.
I have been asked to include the following, and I am delighted to do so:
“Many thanks again for collecting all your used stamps. I am pleased to tell you that I have just sent a parcel of used stamps to Parkinson's UK weighing 1.172 kgs , that's 2lb 9.34ozs in our language. So thanks again for all your support. I am still collecting so don't stop. I have been asked by the collectors if a minimum of 5 millimetres can be left around the stamps as it is easier for them to prepare the stamps to sell. Again many thanks.” 



Jayne Hopps.
There still is a box in Church for your used stamps.
is a charity providing care, accommodation and support services for more than 17,000 older people throughout Britain. Founded by members of the Methodist Church back in 1943, today the charity supports:- 5,000 older people living in care homes, many receiving specialist dementia or nursing care. 2,000 older people living independently in purpose-built apartments, with access to social and leisure facilities and flexible care should they need it. 10,000 older people living independently in their own homes with the support of
“Live at Home” schemes across the UK. The ‘Care Homes’ nearest to us are in Lincoln and Wisbech.
4th June 2017
Pentecost Sunday –
is celebrated 50 days from Easter Sunday. It is also the tenth day after Ascension Thursday, which itself is 40 days from Easter.
The Christian Pentecost is based on the New Testament, where it refers to the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in Acts 2:1–31. "Pentecost" may refer to the Pentecost of the New Testament and to Shavuot of the Old Testament. Shavuot is a significant event shared by Jews and Christians but Christians do not commonly celebrate it as a separate holiday. In the Christian liturgical year it is a feast commemorating what is described by some Christians as the "Birthday of the Church". The holy day is also called "White Sunday" or "Whitsunday", especially in the United Kingdom, where traditionally the next day, Whit Monday, used to be a public holiday. In Germany Pentecost is denominated "Pfingsten" and often coincides with scholastic holidays and the beginning of many outdoor and springtime activities, such as festivals and organized outdoor activities by youth organizations. The Monday after Pentecost is a legal holiday in many European nations.
28th May 2017
A week ago I was in Lincoln celebrating the Second Battle of Lincoln which occurred at Lincoln Castle on Saturday 20 May 1217, during the First Barons' War, between the forces of the future Louis VIII of France, who claimed the English throne, and those of King Henry III of England. At the time of the battle Louis's forces took the city of Lincoln, but Lincoln Castle remained intact. Its garrison, commanded by castellan Nicolaa de la Haye, was loyal to King Henry and continued to defend the important fortification from forces loyal to Prince Louis, led by Thomas, the Count of Perche. Louis's forces were attacked by a relief force under the command of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke. Thomas, commanding the French troops, was killed and Louis was eventually expelled from his base in the southeast of England. If Louis had won we would all be speaking French now, and England would be part of a ‘Greater France’. The looting that took place afterwards is known as the "Lincoln Fair". The citizens of Lincoln were loyal to Louis so Henry's forces sacked the city.
Throughout this summer the battle is being commemorated by a “Knights Trail” around the city with decorated ‘statues’ of knights on horse-back.
21st May 2017
Rogation Days.
The Christian major rogation (held on the 25th April) replaced a pagan Roman procession known as Robigalia. The practitioners observing Robigalia asked Robigus, a God of Farm diseases, for protection of their crops. The minor rogation days ( Monday to Wednesday preceding Ascension Thursday) were introduced around AD 470. Their observance was ordered by the Council of Orleans in 511, but it was not officially adopted into the Roman rite until AD 800.The faithful typically observed the rogation days by fasting and abstinence in preparation to celebrate the Ascension, and farmers often had their crops blessed by a priest at this time. A common feature of Rogation days in former times was the ceremony of beating the bounds, in which a procession of parishioners, led by the minister, churchwarden, and choirboys, would proceed around the boundary of their parish and pray for its protection in the forthcoming year.
(Fasting: Enjoy the Barbeque and ‘fun’ at Thorpe Fen Dykes. GMG)
14th May 2017
Church Calendar.
At Algitha Road’s Church Council the following dates were agreed:
Sunday July 16th. Church Anniversary.
Tuesday September 5th. Church Council.
Wednesday September 6th. Casserole Evening and “Fun”.
Sunday October 1st. Possible. Harvest Festival/“Faith Lunch”.
Friday November 24th. Christmas Fair.
Friday December 15th. Christmas Lunch.
Sunday December 17th. Carol Service.
Monday December 25th. Christmas Day.
As a congregation, we are thanked for providing Food for the Storehouse Food Bank and Used Stamps for Parkinson’s UK. Also Heather, on behalf of World Vision, Omondi and Grace, thanks you for your continued sponsorship and support.
As Thomas à Kempis said “He doeth much that doeth a thing well. He doeth well that rather serveth the community, than his own will. He that hath true and perfect charity, seeketh himself in nothing; but only desireth in all things that the glory of God should be exalted.”
7th May 2017
May Day.
Last Monday was “May Day”, a day with a long history which has been celebrated in one way or another throughout history. The Day has its roots in the ancient Greek and Roman springtime celebrations of nature's bounty. Our May Day was more directly derived from the Pagan Beltane, and it's easy to see why: both holidays feature maypole dances (in which people weave ribbons around a decorated pole) and celebrate summer's approach. May Day has now become completely secular, so it's really just about spending time outside with your community. (The holiday “International Worker's Day” is sometimes referred to as "May Day," but that's an entirely different celebration from the May Day I’m writing about.)
It is good that, as a congregation, we are helping to provide Food for the Storehouse Food Bank and Used Stamps for Parkinson’s UK. We also give some money to World Vision for the up-keep of Omondi, in Kenya, and Grace, in Malawi, and, as long as we sponsor them, they are completely our responsibility; so please remember them in your prayers and in your giving.
30th April 2017
A Member of the Church has asked me to include the following:
“How sweet is the Bible, how pure is the light that streams from its pages divine. ‘Tis a star that shines clear through the gloom of the night like jewels in a wonderful mine. ‘Tis bread for the hungry, ‘tis food for the poor, a balm for the wounded and sad; ‘tis the gift of the Father – his likeness is there and the hearts of his children are glad.
‘Tis the voice of the Saviour how sweet in the storm, it speaks to the sinner distressed! The tempest is hushed, and the sea becomes calm, the troubled and weary find rest. Oh, teach me, blest Jesus, to seek for Thy face, to me let Thy welcome be given; now speak to my heart some kind message of grace, and words that shall guide me to heaven”.
Sad News (???).
All those who were at last Sunday’s Algitha Road service
will be disappointed to hear that Neil did not win a fortune
with his Lottery Ticket.
23rd April 2017
Passion Plays.
There was a “Passion Play” on Mablethorpe Prom on Good Friday but the most famous Passion Play that is still performed takes place in the German village of Oberammergau. They do this to say 'Thank You' to God because he saved the village from the black death in 1633. These Passion Plays are held every ten years. The whole village takes part and the whole play lasts eight hours! The performances go on for several months. Passion Plays are also performed in York in the U.K., Spain, Italy, Mexico, the U.S.A and other countries. Sometimes the plays are performed in the old language that they would have been performed in in medieval times.
The Storehouse Foodbank.
I am informed that the “Foodbank” is seriously short of items. The immediate need is for Long Life Milk, Powdered Mashed Potato, Fruit Juice, Tinned Fruit, Pasta Sachets, Tinned Chilli, & Meatballs, Tinned Spaghetti Bolognaise & Tinned Potatoes.
To encourage more people to contribute the “Foodbank Box” will be in the Hall for Friday Coffee Mornings as well as in the Church Entrance for Sunday Services.
16th April 2017
Christ the Lord is Risen Today.
Alleluia !
Songs of Praise.
The “Songs of Praise” service at Burgh le Marsh this evening will be joined by the Withern Singers.
The Storehouse Foodbank.
I am informed that the “Foodbank” is seriously short of items. The immediate need is for Long Life Milk, Powdered Mashed Potato, Fruit Juice, Tinned Fruit, Pasta Sachets, Tinned Chilli, & Meatballs, Tinned Spaghetti Bolognaise & Tinned Potatoes.
To encourage more people to contribute the “Foodbank Box” will be in the Hall for Friday Coffee Mornings as well as in the Church Entrance for Sunday Services.
2nd April 2017
Thoughts for Two Sundays.
Until 1959, the fifth Sunday of Lent was officially known as Passion Sunday. It marked the beginning of a two-week-long period known as Passiontide. In 1960, Pope John XXIII changed the name for that Sunday to "First Sunday of the Passion” and the sixth Sunday of Lent to the "Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday)". In traditional Methodist usage the fifth Sunday of Lent is Passion Sunday, as noted in the 1965
“ Book of Worship for Church and Home”.
Christian theologians believe that the symbolism of Palm Sunday is captured prophetically in the Old Testament: "See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey”. It suggests that Jesus was declaring he was the King of Israel -- which angered the Sanhedrin. The symbolism of the donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is an animal of peace, versus the horse, which is the animal of war. A king would have ridden a donkey to symbolize his arrival in peace. Jesus' entry to Jerusalem would have thus symbolized his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as a war-waging king.
Please Note
Maundy Thursday’s “Tenebrae Service” at Alg. Rd. is a Cluster Communion Service followed by soup, etc.
26th March 2017
Mothering Sunday / Lent 4.
By the 1920s the custom of keeping Mothering Sunday had tended to lapse. In 1914, inspired by Anna Jarvis's efforts in the U.S.A. Constance Penswick-Smith created the Mothering Sunday Movement. Constance was the daughter of the vicar of Coddington, Nottinghamshire, and there is a memorial in Coddington's church. The wide scale revival of Mothering Sunday was through the influence of American and Canadian soldiers serving abroad during World War II. The traditions of Mothering Sunday, still practised by the Church of England, merged with newly imported traditions celebrated in the wider Catholic and secular society. UK-based merchants saw the commercial opportunity in the holiday and relentlessly promoted it in the UK; by the 1950s, it was celebrated across all the UK. People from Ireland and the UK started celebrating Mother's Day on the same day that Mothering Sunday was celebrated, the fourth Sunday in Lent. The two celebrations have now been mixed up, and many people think that they are the same thing.
19th March 2017
Commonwealth Day. The Queen’s Message in the Commonwealth Games Baton which was part of the Westminster Abbey Service said, “The cornerstones on which peace is founded are, quite simply, respect and understanding for one another. Working together, we build peace by defending the dignity of every individual and community.” As a church community we can surely say “Amen”.
Just to show that this “Newsletter” is Gender-neutral here are two jokes about blond MEN.
A blond man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts, “Did you find the shampoo?” He answers, “Yes, but I don’t know what to do … it’s for dry hair and I’ve just wet mine.”
A blond man sees a letter lying on the doormat. It says on the envelope “DO NOT BEND.” He spends the next two hours trying to work out how to pick it up.
12th March 2017
Jenny Savage asks me include the following in the newsletter -
“Our thanks to everyone for their good wishes for our Golden Wedding. It does not seem like 50years since we got married at Algitha Road, and who would believe that we would return to Skegness to live! And thank you Heather and the Pastoral Team for the lovely card sent on behalf of Church members. Jenny”
This week’s “Neilism” – I take no responsibility for such unjust jokes against charming ladies. A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named “Rolex” and one was named “Timex”. Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”
“Helllooooo...! ,” answered the blonde. “They're watchdogs.”
5th March 2017
To Whom it May Concern.
Unless something changes I am continuing to edit the Algitha Road Newsletter and I can be contacted by phone 01754 764809, or at mail(at)gandhgray.eclipse.co.uk, or at Algitha Road Church on most Sunday mornings. If you have comments, criticisms or requests for the Newsletter please let me know. You should not bother other people who are very busy with their own, more important, jobs to do.
“Let there be life,” said God ….
“Let there be God,” said I ….
Let Life be God – to fill my heart with faith.
From a Poem by Siegfried Sassoon.
26th February 2017
Ash Wednesday.
Your attention is drawn to the Cluster’s “Ashing Service” at Burgh le Marsh at 6 pm.
Your attention is drawn to the information about the “Women’s World Day of Prayer” this Friday. A woman I know who has attended many of these services finds them an interesting and spiritually valuable experience among a group of friendly fellow Christians.
Louth M. C. Pie & pea Supper.
The guest speaker at the supper on Friday 10th will be the Chaplain to the RAF at Coningsby. The cost is £6.00 and pre-booking is essential through Julia on 01507 354626 by 2/3/17.
19th February 2017
Marie Curie Cancer Care.
Your attention is drawn to the information about the Cancer Care Coffee morning at the Burgh Methodist Church on Tuesday.
Tea with T.E.D.
Your attention is drawn to the Tea with T.E.D. session at the Store- house on Tuesday the 28th. It will be attended by members of the “Big Energy Saving Network” who will show you how to save money from your fuel bills by using “Community Lincs”. If you wish to receive individual advice take 4 recent fuel bills.
Your attention is drawn to the information about the “Women’s World Day of Prayer” given in the “Future Events” section. A woman I know who has attended many of these services finds them an interesting and spiritually valuable experience among a group of friendly fellow Christians.
12th February 2017
Your attention is drawn to the information about the “Women’s World Day of Prayer” given in the “Future Events” section. A woman I know who has attended many of these services finds them an interesting and spiritually valuable experience among a group of friendly fellow Christians. If you are interested in the ‘practice’ session on Friday speak to Anne May.
Some Quotations from my favourite Saintly Woman – Julian of Norwich.
“The greatest honour we can give Almighty God is to live gladly because of the knowledge of his love.”
“God loved us before he made us; and his love has never diminished and never shall.”
“Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love.”
5th February 2017
Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
Yesterday, February 4th, was Gilbert’s liturgical feast day, commemorating his death. Gilbert was born in Sempringham, near Bourne and was canonized in 1202 by Pope Innocent III. Some physical deformity made him unfit for military service so he went to the University of Paris to study theology. When he returned in 1120 he became a clerk in the household of Robert Bloet, Bishop of Lincoln, started a school for boys and girls and was ordained by Robert's successor, Alexander. Offered the archdeaconry of Lincoln, he refused, saying that he knew no surer way to perdition. When in 1130 he became lord of the manor of Sempringham he founded the Gilbertine Order, and constructed, with the help of Alexander, a dwelling and cloister for nuns, at the north of the church of St Andrew. Eventually he had a chain of twenty-six Convents. In 1148 he approached the Cistercians for help. They refused because he included women in his order. His Convents were closed when King Henry VIII suppressed all Catholic monasteries.
We should be proud of our local, Lincolnshire saint.
This week’s ‘Neilism’ – Have you ever wondered why “abbreviated” is such a long word?
29th January 2017
Memorial Service.
The memorial service for Mr. Arthur William Paul (Bill), on Wednesday the 18th, was well attended by people who wished to celebrate all he had done for the Church, for Gibraltar Point and its birds and for the Health Service. The collection at the service was for Cancer Research .
(If you have a computer and are interested there is a moving eulogy for Bill as an authorized bird ‘Ringer’ on the “Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory” web-page. It has been written by the man who is the last person to have been trained as a ‘ringer’ by Bill during his time as ‘Ringer-in-Charge’ from 1986 to 1996.)
Another potato / tates / taters definition :
Some people can put on an act and pretend to be someone they are not.
They are called “Immy Taters"
22nd January 2017
St Matthew’s Memorial Service.
Three times a year there is a memorial service in St Matthew’s Parish Church attended by any people who have suffered bereavement during the previous four months and who would like to light a candle, during a church service, in Memory of the Deceased. There is such a service tonight, the 22nd, at 6 pm. Other services will be in May and September. Or You might be interested in a Bereavement Support Group which meets at 2pm every Third Thursday of the Month at St Clements Church Hall.
Funeral Service.
The funeral service for Mr. Reg Eldred, on Thursday the 12th, was attended by nearly 100 people, which rather stretched our accommodation but which was to be expected for such a well-known man. The collection at the service totalled £413.55.
15th January 2017
Covenant Service.
Last Sunday we had the annual Covenant Service and I was interested in knowing the service’s origin. If you are not interested skip the rest of this page.
The Covenant Service goes back to John Wesley’s time. He wanted a form of worship which would help people open themselves to God more fully. In 1755 Wesley created such a service, using material from the writings of the seventeenth-century puritans divines, Joseph and Richard Alleine. Over succeeding generations the Methodist Church has made changes to the service so that it continues to be relevant to the congregations using it. The aim of the service is to help people hear God’s offer and God’s challenge; to provide space for God to prompt and for people to respond. Yet, more than this, for the Covenant Service is not just a one-to-one transaction between individuals and God, it is an act of the whole faith community.
8th January 2017
Christmas Charities.
The Church has received a letter of “Thanks” from Witham Lodge for our donation of £75 from the Carol Service. The collections, and donations, for “Action for Children” taken over the Christmas period totalled just under £200 which is being sent to the charity.
Flowers in Church – 2017.
Jayne has now produced a “Revised” version of the Flower Rota incorporating your requests (as far as possible). Please make sure you get your copy from the back of the Church, and if you can deliver any that are still to be collected please do so.
Parkinson’s UK used stamp collection
Jayne Hopps would like to thank everyone for collecting their used stamps. Jayne hopes that due to Christmas card postage we can all collect many more stamps over the next few weeks.
There is a box in Church for your stamps.
Community Food Bank
We no longer have an allocated month for providing tins, packets, etc. for the Community Food Bank – Please bring what you can, when you can – and use the box in the Entrance.
Training for Street Pastors. The following sessions have been booked : Effective Listening Practice for the 21st January & Applied Listening on the 24th February. There will be about ten places available at a cost of £13.00 per person this includes a book which is £3.00. Please could you let Mo know if you would like to join these days. Places are on a first come basis.
1st January 2017
A Happy New Year to All Our Readers.
Carol Service.
As a result of the Collection at the Carol Service the Church has been able to send £75 to Witham Lodge to help with housing the homeless. “Thank You” to all who contributed. (The Christmas collections for “Action for Children” will be detailed later.)
Bible Readings.
Michael May has remembered that Julia ordered the Daily Bible Reading Notes from IBRA! If anyone is interested in the ‘Notes’ please contact Anne and either she or Michael will organise it.
Flowers in Church – 2017.
Jayne has now produced a “Revised” version of the Flower Rota incorporating your requests (as far as possible). Please make sure you get your copy from the back of the Church.